Ask a Bible Teacher

How Could He Have Known?

Published: August 12, 2021

In John 3:10, when Jesus asked Nicodemus, “Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things?” What things is Jesus referring to? If He is referring to being born again, how could Nicodemus have known? Isn’t this the first time the phrase “born again” was used in history?

Are Fish and Shellfish OK To Eat?

Published: August 12, 2021

Can you please explain about eating fish? As in Deuteronomy, we may eat all water animals that has both fins and scales on it. But current studies talk about the danger of eating fish which has medium to high mercury content. So, It contradicts the word of GOD. Also, can we eat prawns & lobsters, because they don’t have scales & fins. Are they detestable? Kindly explain. It bothers me a lot.

Our Sabbath Rest

Published: August 12, 2021

But every Church I go to has a different teaching about the Sabbath. One says we don’t need to keep it. Another says Jesus is our Sabbath so we keep it whether we rest on a day or not. Even another says that we can keep it if we want to, and disregard it if we would rather do that. Imagine the confusion we laypeople go through. We don’t have time to become famous Bible expositors. Who is correct about the Sabbath?


Published: August 11, 2021

What do you think of this saying:

“the atonement is at-one-ment. It makes us one with God.”

Atonement is the sacrifice that paid the sin debt. But does it alone, really make us one with God? Isn’t justification the point in time in which we become one with God?

Was The Lord Misleading Us?

Published: August 11, 2021

How should Matt. 6:25-26 be correctly interpreted?

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”

Massive numbers of wild birds starve to death all over the world, especially during the winter, as well as other undernourished wild animals. Jesus would have known this, of course, and so would his hearers. I would just like your perspective, because I do not like having cognitive dissonance where Christ (and our Father’s provision) is concerned, and I hope you can help me be more comfortable with this saying.


Church Or Synagogue

Published: August 11, 2021

The word Church (ekklesia) is only used in the New Testament. In the Old Testament, the word congregation (adar) is used. If the same thing is being referred to in the Old as well as the New, then why only use Church in the New and congregation in the Old when translating to English?

One possible answer: The English translators (under the influence of gentile ‘church’ fathers) deliberately used the word in the New but used a different word in the Old to make a separation between Israel and the new covenant brethren that was never there.

Are Those Guys Saved?

Published: August 10, 2021

I have a question about the rapture. I used to believe that everyone will go whether they believe in the rapture or not, but I have changed my mind. I want to explain to you why and see if you agree with me.


I have found that those who deny the Rapture are, for the most part, believers in Replacement Theology. Also, these people believe that we must overcome by going through the tribulation. All of these groups adhere to a faith+works theology. If we must work our way into His Kingdom then why do we need Jesus? If we could have worked our way to heaven, we would not have needed a Savior. We are no longer under the Law, we are now under Grace.

To me, to deny the Blessed Hope is to deny His finished work upon the cross. I know that the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ, paid my debt in full upon the cross. I know that I can do nothing at all to earn my way to heaven, my good works are as filthy rags. It is by faith we are saved, and not of works.

I think this is the key to the Kingdom, faith in Jesus Christ and in His atoning death in our place.

I believe that those who are saved during the tribulation are those who were not Christians before the rapture. They never professed belief in Christ, and they never denied the Blessed Hope.

I truly do hope that after the rapture, those who denied it will be given a second chance and will be able to “wash their robes”. Only God knows the answer, I will continue to pray for everyone on earth until I am flying up to meet the Lord in the clouds!

A false foundation always creates false doctrine. Since those who teach a post trib rapture also teach Replacement Theology, or works+faith doctrine, do you believe they will be raptured anyway?

I hope with all my heart that you answer this question!

Resurrection Bodies

Published: August 10, 2021

Do we receive perfected bodies at the Rapture?

If we get a body like Jesus had during his resurrected time on the earth we would be able to move through solid objects, perhaps move through time, etc.

If I Commit Suicide Will I Go To Hell?

Published: August 10, 2021

I suffer from bipolar disorder and have been suffering from this disorder for the past ten years. Now the suffering has been increasing a lot.

If I commit suicide at a point of extreme suffering will I go to hell? Please do answer me.

Sons of the Most High

Published: August 9, 2021

I just want to tell you I’ve learned so much from your site! Thank you for your time.

Can you explain to us what Psalm 82 is referring to when it states in verse 1, he gives judgment among the GODS? Also, who is God talking to in verse 7 and 8 when the Bible states, I said you are GODS you are all sons of the Most High. But you will die like mere MEN you will fall like every other RULER?

Sounds like maybe Angelic beings that actually were given something to rule over. But where and when were they ruling? Now this is an interesting Psalm!