Ask a Bible Teacher

Is It OK That I Keep Praying For My Salvation?

Published: February 23, 2021

I feel like the Lord is just on the horizon and sometimes as I am driving I think about the people in the other cars and wonder, “Do they know what’s coming?” Our world is quickly heading towards the completion of all God’s promises. I do feel often that I am not worthy. My sins are continuous daily and often I pray to the Lord that he knows I do NOT doubt him or his gift of salvation only myself. Is it OK to continue to pray about my own salvation even though I have prayed it 1 million times?

Eunuchs In The Bible

Published: February 23, 2021

I have often wondered about eunuchs in the Bible, e.g the Ethiopian eunuch, and the eunuchs our Lord refers to in Matthew 19:12. Why are they eunuchs, and for what purpose(s)?

Protocol For Prayer?

Published: February 1, 2021

Would you please address the proper order of prayer? I realize that there was a proper order (or to use the secular term “protocol”) that was observed in the Temple worship. Does a proper order also apply to our prayers? All during the day, I find myself just talking with either God or Jesus without much formality, very much like I talk with my best friends here on earth. Is this being disrespectful to who God and Jesus are? They are too important to me to ever be disrespectful to who they are and what they have done for me.

Will We Have To Give Account For Every Sin?

Published: February 1, 2021

I read something today that upset me and I would like your opinion on it. I know that you have mentioned that we will all stand before the Bema Seat of Christ for rewards but this is what I read…

Everything I ever did will be analyzed and scrutinized openly by the Lord Jesus Christ. Every good thing. . . and every bad thing. I’ll be called on to give account of every word, every deed, every thought.

Now even as a Christian I ‘try’ to live as good as I can because I love the Lord but I have done things that I’m not proud of but I always ask for forgiveness and I asked the Lord to help me with my attitude about people and situations but I fail at times.

Question…Are not all my sins covered by the blood and if not why not? There is a chorus that says…When He (God) looks at me He sees not what I used to be but He sees Jesus.

It sounds like for most believers, the Judgment Seat of Christ will be an excruciating experience.

No Communion Without Baptism?

Published: February 1, 2021

My sister and I were raised in a pentecostal church, although I am nondenominational at this time in my life. She is saved but has fallen out of fellowship with God for a while now. I am trying to get her back into fellowship and going to church again. Last Sunday they served communion and she refused to take it. I thought it had to do with her falling away, but she said it was because she was taught that if she wasn’t baptized (water baptism) then she should not take communion. I told her as long as she’s saved baptism isn’t required for communion, but she doesn’t agree. Who’s correct?

Fruit In Keeping With Repentance

Published: June 30, 2020

Could you explain the message given by John the Baptist to “bear fruit in keeping with repentance?” Is that more referring to salvation or proof of salvation? Would you explain the principle of repentance and the significance to the Christian life?

The Watchman. Follow Up

Published: June 29, 2020

Re: The Watchman. What’s the difference between being a ‘watchman on the wall’ specifically appointed by God as Ezekiel was or a watchman in society watching the signs of the times? If we are all to watch and wait, seems like all God’s kids are appointed to be aware and share that awareness with others. I don’t see a big difference other than one is very specific and one is general.

Fruit Inspectors, Follow Up

Published: June 29, 2020

In your article entitled Fruit Inspectors you stated that “It is humanly impossible to tell who is saved and who is not…” Is it safe to assume that we do not know if Hitler was saved or if the mass murderers of Islamic terrorism are saved? You get my point. We are commanded to exercise righteous judgment which must be based on conclusive evidence. We may not judge on the basis of appearance, personal opinions or unsubstantiated suspicions.

Fruit Inspectors

Published: June 29, 2020

Question, both Mattew and Luke talk about “Judge not and you will not be judged” but we are to inspect for good fruit, right? I have a sister that I try to witness to but she makes me feel guilty because of this. She is a great person but used to be part of a church that thinks everyone is going to heaven.

OSAS And Colossians 1:21-23

Published: February 25, 2020

I love the OSAS (once saved, always saved) view but it would seem that Paul’s statement in Colossians 1:21-23 is a proof-text against the notion that it is impossible to forfeit your own salvation through disbelief. It seems that there is no way to tie this statement of Paul’s to rewards rather than to salvation. Can you help here?