Ask a Bible Teacher

Why Don’t I Have What They Have?

Published: January 4, 2024

I see with my own eyes that there are many sinners who are so blessed (stable career, strong financial status, a happy family with a beautiful partner, vibrant health, etc.) and I start to wonder since I am His child, why am I not enjoying all the blessings these sinners have? I also know of believers who are very successful in life and have the same blessings. Then the question is, why do God’s children seem to have different levels of blessing? Does God show favoritism among His children? Then it came into my mind that if I cannot even trust Him to bless me with all these things I see others enjoying, am I being naive to trust Him with my salvation?

Dealing With Religious People

Published: January 3, 2024

How do you deal with religious people that constantly push self righteousness? With one breath they say Jesus is their Savior, and the next breath, they say this person or that person is going to hell because they do this or that. I know Jesus had to deal with this, with the Scribes and Pharisees, but how do we deal with it today? How do we walk in Love and not offend this person who seems to put all their faith in filthy rags, and insists on dressing others in the same clothing?

I am aware of the story, Jesus told of the two men standing and praying…..but what do you say to the one that is proclaiming their own righteousness? Sadly, I find anger rising up in my own heart concerning it, and then I feel guilty, because I fall into judging another. I used to be extremely religious and it made me quite smug… but by the Grace of God, he led me to Pauls teachings which pulled the rug out from under my feet. It was much easier to have faith in myself by keeping all the man made rules, than to be honest with my wretched self and trust Christ to save me. You would suppose that because I too was like this once, I would know how to deal with it, but I don’t. Can you help?

The Feasts Of Israel And End Times Events

Published: January 3, 2024

Have you considered overlaying the Feasts of the LORD to the end time events? I am not a specialist in this subject but I have found though my studying the Bride of Messiah, that the Feasts of the LORD (which are His appointed times) perfectly overlay the events of the end time and the gathering of His Bride! Just a thought.

Sick About Dealing With A Non-Believer

Published: January 3, 2024

My husband and I started looking for a home several months ago and there are things that concern me about our mortgage broker.She’s a really nice lady and has been an asset as far as teaching us about credit and housing, etc. But something has always bothered me about her.

We found a home and will be closing on it very soon so we have been in her office a number of times and I noticed these pictures on her desk of a man and the words, “may the blessings be”. She has also said this to me on several occasions and each time I see or hear this, it stirs something inside me like an alarm goes off in my head. I’ve learned it is a religion called Eckankar.

It’s “a religion of spirit and light” according to their website. I am literally heartsick now, I mean my stomach hurts and I’m just sick wondering what I have gotten us into dealing with this lady, I just don’t know what to do.

I know throughout life we deal with people who are of all sorts, different religions, and atheists and I know that God uses those very people to help Christians but I want to make sure I am not doing something wrong dealing with this person. So please, please give me your advice.

Thank you so much and God Bless!

In The Image Of God

Published: January 2, 2024

When does GOD create the non-physical part of a human? Does He do it when the sperm and the egg unite? Did it exist before the physical began? Is the physical or non-physical, or both, created in GOD’s image?

Please, Please, Help!

Published: January 2, 2024

We have the most godly daughter any one has ever met. Pastors, youth group leaders, other parents all use her as the example of Christian womanhood.

She has finally identified the person she wishes to spend the rest of her life with. He is, of course, saved, and by all outward appearances “nice” in every way.

All along we have all had a check in our spirit. When she met him, he was depressed, suicidal, and in is own words: “…wanting to go to the mission field to die in obscurity.” Having our daughter in his life has breathed new life into him and God has “healed him” of all the other garbage.

My husband was called by “him” and informed they are getting married. Our daughter has moved (from the town where she is currently enrolled in a master’s program) and not given us her address or phone. She has turned her back on us because we did not bow to their proclamation.

What is your feeling on all of this? Are we wrong not to go along even though we feel it would be handing our daughter over to a person we do not trust? When is it ever okay for a daughter to shun her father’s authority? I see no magical age. I believe everyone is under a God-specified authority. Whose is she under presently? Is there no consequence? Will God honor her tearing away?

Please, please help.

Saved By Our Beliefs?

Published: January 2, 2024

In your article on Post-Church Salvation you wrote: “We’re saved by what we believe, not by how we behave.”

I have a problem with that. (Cults) believe what they believe, and they certainly are not right. (Maybe I am getting hung up on the definition of What, and How. Am I?) We have to believe what the Bible teaches…there is ONLY ONE WAY. What do you think?

Millennial Feasts?

Published: January 1, 2024

I am studying the feasts of Israel. In particular I am trying to find the scriptural reference to the one feast believers on Earth will celebrate during the millennium. My memory is that Egypt will refuse to honor this holy feast and will be punished. Can you help me ?

Guardian Angels

Published: January 1, 2024

Thank you for your insights, as always.

Is there any information on guardian angels and their roles? Specifically, angels who watch over us individually on a one-to-one basis. The only scriptural reference that I think might allude to this has to do with the childrens’ angels being in heaven and beholding God’s face (Matt. 18:10-11). If this is a reference to guardian angels, does that mean that they are always in heaven, and not on earth beside us? Since we now have the Holy Spirit, does that mean we no longer have these guardian angels?

Turned Off By Religion

Published: January 1, 2024

I am trying to witness to my 86 year old die hard Catholic father. (he hasn’t gone to church in years but did meet the Pope during the war) He feels this church has changed since he was an alter boy and he has lost faith in the Church.

I grew up Catholic also, but found the Lord in college thru a Baptist friend and have been studying the bible & prophecy ever since. I explained I put my faith in Jesus, not a religion and at that point he won’t talk about it anymore and gets angry.

He is really hurt because his religion failed him and I don’t know how to reach him. Of course prayer is my only answer, but do you have any other suggestions. Every time I ask him if he ever believed in Jesus, he evades the question.