The Lesson Of Solomon
Published: July 16, 2016Having just studied the two books of Kings from the Old Testament, I find it rather odd that so much is made of Solomon’s “wisdom.” Scripture indicates that Yahweh promised the gift of “wisdom” to Solomon, further adding that no man either before or even after Solomon would enjoy as great a gift of wisdom as that given to him. However, after receiving this amazing gift from God, Solomon seems to have made some very, very unwise decisions. It seems bizarre to me that the wisest man who ever lived would allow himself to be drawn into such unwise activities.
Why Didn’t They Understand?
Published: July 16, 2016I was reading one of your teachings that Jesus was “right on time” when He rode into Jerusalem when He did, because it was prophesied in the Prophets. Why then did the teachers of the Law and the religious leaders NOT know this as well? Why did they reject Jesus if He was on time to the very day?
Did Paul Contradict Himself?
Published: July 16, 2016In Romans 7 and 8 Paul seems to contradict himself. I know that isn’t the case at all, but would like your insight. In Romans 7:14 he talks about himself being carnal and then in 8 I believe its vs 6 he talks about being carnal is death. Can you please explain? And also in Romans 8:1 in the kjv he says there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus who live after the spirit and not after the flesh. Can you please explain? And why do the other versions only say “for there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ” and they don’t finish the verse the way the kjv does?
Belief Plus Behavior
Published: July 16, 2016If a Christian, a born-again believer, is defined as one who has asked for and accepted Christ as their Savior and is trusting in Him for their salvation, then why do some pastors continue to insist that there is something that has to be seen as evidence from their own subjective viewpoints for the salvation to be genuine?
I totally get the idea of admonishing believers to live, out of gratitude and with the help of the Holy Spirit, in a manner that bears fruit in our life. But to associate this admonition with salvation is dangerous in my opinion, and results in some people improperly assuming the position of judge over others.
Who Built These Things?
Published: July 16, 2016Are there any Bible answers on such mysterious sites on earth as the Gobekli-Tepe site in Turkey and Stonehenge and similar phenomenon? I have been asked how they exist and fit into the creation theory. The proof is there for all to see and in some cases even in this time cannot be explained on the how and why along with tools used to create some of the wonders of the world. Any information, or bible based theory even would greatly be appreciated
Psalm 83, Isaiah 17, and Ezekiel 38
Published: July 14, 2016Your article on “Isa. 17 and Oracle concerning Damascus” is something I have really thought about a lot. I am wondering if Isa. 17 and Psalm 83 are talking about the same event and that after that event happens then Ezekiel 38-39 would take place. It is rather confusing to me and I would appreciate your comments on this.
Saved Through Perseverance?
Published: July 14, 2016I was recently told that nowhere does Jesus promise assurance of salvation outside of our perseverance. One of my favorite verses on our assurance of salvation and the simplicity of the gospel message comes out of I John. “These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life. . . .” I John 5:13a. Adding our perseverance to the equation seems to be adding “works” to our salvation, or at least to maintaining our salvation.
Fourfold Restitution?
Published: July 14, 2016I noticed something repeated in Scripture. When theft is involved, David mentions a 4 times repayment when being confronted by Nathan, and Zaccheus mentions that same 4 times repayment to bring restitution for the things he has stolen. Paul then says (post-Cross) let the thief stop stealing basically and work with his hands- no mention of singular, let alone quadruple repayment for restitution. So twofold question: what if any is/was the significance of a 4 times repayment (is the number arbitrary?) and is it presently incumbent upon repentant thieves to repay or to just cease and work with their hands?
Peter And Satan
Published: July 14, 2016I have a question regarding Matthew 16:23. Some people believe that Jesus was calling Peter Satan, since he said “get behind me Satan.” I however disagree & would like some clarification. Thank you for your ministry!
Are The Jews In The Promised Land Forever?
Published: July 14, 2016I was speaking with a friend and fellow believer about the signs that the end times are upon us. When I mentioned that the holy land and Jerusalem were back in Jewish hands as one of the signs, he wondered out loud if there could be another dispersal of the Jews and then another regathering in the future. We agreed that it was highly improbable but I wanted to ask you if there is prophetic Scripture which tells us that once the holy land is re-occupied by God’s people, they are there to stay.