Blessings And Penalties
Published: August 26, 2024A friend, referring to Deut. 28:63, said that the God she knows would not rejoice over anyone to destroy and bring them to nothing. I said that she was forgetting that God’s ways are not our ways and we can’t figure His ways out with our feeble minds. Can you give me a better answer for her?
Who Or What Is Shiloh?
Published: August 26, 2024Great work. I could not function in my studies without your web site. Concerning Gen 49:10 Is this a Messianic reference? In my searches I have not found a clear rendering of the meaning of the phrase “till Shiloh comes”.
Form Without Substance
Published: August 23, 2024My question concerns 2 Timothy 3:1-5. It explains the last days and the behavior of those in the world, but I don’t understand verse 5, “having the form of godliness, but denying the power thereof”. To whom does this refer, Christians perhaps, that are not living by the word of God?
The Lord’s Appearance In Power And Glory
Published: August 23, 2024I have a question. The Bible says Jesus will return in the same manner he ascended, which is at the Mt. of Olives. Will His and our first touch back on earth happen here or at the Battle of Armageddon? I get confused since the battle at Armageddon happens first before Jesus reaches Jerusalem where the Mt of Olives is located. If at the Mt. of Olives, how does Jesus confront and engage the enemy at the battle of Armageddon? Will we be suspended in the air during the battle?
OSAS And Romans 11
Published: August 23, 2024Thank you so much for your website and ministry to the Lord. It is definitely a blessing from God.
I believe once saved, always saved, and I’ve read your comments concerning the same. I think you do a wonderful job explaining OSAS in them.
The one thing that came to my mind when reading them though, and I didn’t see any comments on, but maybe I just missed it, was how Romans 11:17-24 plays into OSAS, if at all. Could and would you please shed some light on this for me?
The Kingdom Of God. Now Or Later?
Published: August 22, 2024I love your writings and follow your views 100% but recently I have come across another person’s teaching about the Kingdom of Heaven and/or the Kingdom of God as being now. The church age. I have always seen it as the time of His second coming and the 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth. But I have to say now that I have heard this guys teaching, and now that I am reading through the 4 gospels chronologically I have been very confused. I am starting to wonder about when is this Kingdom of Heaven and/or Kingdom of God?
Why Is It So Hard To See?
Published: August 22, 2024I was having a conversation with a friend who totally believes in conditional salvation and it basically ended in an argument. One of the things he kept bringing up was the fact that we had to repent of our sins and that is why it was conditional. Honestly, I was always brought up to always ask for forgiveness of sins and I do and I believe you have said that asking is more for our benefit. I guess my questions here are what if you sin and then you die before having an opportunity to ask forgiveness? And why is it so hard for people to see that once we are saved we are always saved?
Does Romans 11:25 Really Apply to the Rapture?
Published: August 22, 2024I love your website and have learned so very much through your explanations and teachings. My question today is, if we as the Church are considered a called out people and are neither Jew nor Gentile anymore, why does the Romans 11:25 verse apply to the rapture? I know that after the rapture of the Church God will return to his dealings with Israel, but was unsure if the Fullness of the Gentiles really applies to the Church.
Does Prayer Really Help?
Published: August 21, 2024I have been reading about predestination. God knows our whole life, before conception. It is all planned out. He knows if we will choose Him (salvation) or not. He knows when people will die. Why pray for your loved ones, when God knows It is His will. All through the Bible, it talks about praying for people, but our lives are already planned out, according to God’s will.
My mother died of cancer several years ago. I’m wondering … Why did I pray so fervently, if I knew it was God’s choice to bring her home. Why do churches have “prayer requests”? We cannot change God’s mind. My mind is “reeling” about these thoughts. Hope you can help!
A Prayer Of Confession
Published: August 21, 2024I confess my sins as quickly as I realize that I’ve sinned. There are times however where I don’t confess anything because I can’t remember sinning at all. I spend my time either working, studying God’s Word and being on sites such as yours, and spending time with my wife, not necessarily in that order, and do nothing that goes against His commandments (as far as I know.) Should I confess on a daily basis anyway?