Ask a Bible Teacher

How Should A New Believer Feel?

Published: March 7, 2015

I am a brand new believer and my faith is very weak, very small. Is there anything in scripture that says you should feel differently after you’ve accepted salvation than you did before? I’m worried because I’m not sure if I’m really saved or not. My mother, the person most responsible for helping me get saved, assures me I only need faith “as small as a mustard seed.” But, I still have doubts as to whether I’m really saved because I don’t feel any different. Can you help?

Application Of Genesis 4:25?

Published: March 7, 2015

“And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew…” (Genesis 4:25) What is the application for today? Is Abel’s death and replacement by Seth a foreshadow of the Gentile Church replacing Israel?

Ezekiel, History Or Prophecy?

Published: March 7, 2015

Thank you, as always, for your help. My question is about the book of Ezekiel. I’m well aware of the prophetic implications of chapters 38 and 39 as well as the Millennial Kingdom mentioned at the end of the book, but my question pertains to Ezekiel 12:27-28. I’m specifically wondering about the part of verse 28 that says, “None of My words will be delayed any longer. Whatever word I speak will be performed”. If the entire book of Ezekiel was meant to be fulfilled in the generation of Ezekiel himself, what fulfillment was there for 38-39, the temple and the kingdom? Was there a defined break in the book that I’m missing that showed that these prophecies are strictly for future times and not part of what God was mentioning in verse 28?

Original Sin Or Sin Nature?

Published: March 7, 2015

I must ask you about Original sin and our “sin Nature”. Are these the same thing? I personally do not believe anyone is born with a sin nature but that we are born innocent. I believe in an age of accountability which seems to be a truth hidden well in the scriptures, if not well hidden, very little is spoken of it. The “Sin Nature” is something I just do not understand. Are we born sinful? Do we bring sin into the world or are we born into a sinful world?

The Rapture And The 2nd Coming

Published: March 7, 2015

In the last year I have been studying the “Hebrew roots” of my Christianity and am now in AWE more profoundly than ever – of God’s patterns I’m discovering. Partly in thanks to your website I understand in a more straightforward way, the prophetic significance of the Spring Holy Days (Passover/Unleavened Bread/First Fruits) and the first coming of our Jesus the Christ. That – and also the likelihood of Jesus’ birth being sometime during Sukkot and his conception being sometime during Hanukkah! Simply Amazing!

My question is – given how God’s ordained Holy Days are directly related Jesus, and how it is likely that the Autumn Holy Days also relate to His second-coming, wouldn’t the Rapture likely occur during one of these God-ordained Holy Festivals in autumn? That still wouldn’t be pin-pointing a day or an hour if it occurred “some time” within, say, an 8 day festival – right?

Joshua Or Jesus?

Published: March 7, 2015

I am doing your audio study on Hebrews and I have a question, I have a NIV that I have studied for many years, I also have a KJV that I have been studying, and tonight during the audio study I noticed that in Hebrews chapter 4 verse 8. in the KJV it has Jesus, and in the NIV it has Joshua. can you tell me why they are different?

Salvation And Evolution

Published: March 6, 2015

While attending a Christianity 101 course at my church I was told that one can be a Christian and believe in evolution. Red flags go up on that for me, can you give me your opinion on that issue?

Treasure In Heaven

Published: March 6, 2015

I love your web site and visit regularly. Any idea what we would use treasure in heaven for? I know we can store it up, but I wonder why we would need it.

Doubting My Salvation

Published: March 6, 2015

I asked Christ to come into my life over 33 years ago and for the first 30 years I never doubted that I was His. Now that it appears we may be nearing the time of the end, I’ve been fearful that I’m not saved for some reason. I’ve always been a believer in once saved, always saved, so why am I having these fears and doubts? Is it the enemy messing with me or could it be that I’ve not spent regular time with the Lord in recent years or what? I know we can’t rely on feelings, but it’s very unsettling to doubt my salvation after so many years of feeling totally secure.

How Could He Do That?

Published: March 5, 2015

It seems that my wife can not believe that a loving God who gave his only Son, to pay for the sins of man,could condone the act described in Rev.21:8-9. She rejects “fire and brimstone” threats and wonders whether there is a deeper meaning to all this.