Ask a Bible Teacher

Where’s The Peace?

Published: February 11, 2015

Re: the 7 years leading up to the 2nd Coming. There evidently is not peace on the earth before the 70th week starts or there wouldn’t be a need for a 7 year peace treaty with Israel. Then, when Revelation 6 starts there is turmoil with the four horsemen. Granted, it gets much worse in the second half but it does not sound to me like there is peace before or during the 70th week. My question is how does the below verse fit when there isn’t peace occurring in the world? In I Thess. 5:3 “When they say peace and safety then sudden destruction comes upon them and they shall not escape.” Do you think there must be a there a short bit of time with a reprieve of peace between the signing of the treaty and the 1st horseman coming on the world scene?

How Can They Believe This?

Published: February 11, 2015

How does the Preterist justify Jesus’ Transfiguration ( His going UP into Heaven ) to really be His 2nd. Coming ( Jesus coming DOWN from Heaven ) ? And secondly, I know a Pretierst who believes this and therefore he must also believe he is living now in the Millenium. That just makes no sense ! How can a born-again Christian believe these things?

Israel And The Church

Published: February 11, 2015

In the column of Feb. 4th entitled “Three Questions of Matt.24” in the section “I’ve Got a Secret” you say that the church and Israel are two different entities with two different destinies. The NT tells us that through Christ, Jews and Gentiles become one new man. So, what are the two different destinies? Thank you for this clarification.

Will All Israel Be Saved?

Published: February 11, 2015

Rom 11:26 says “All Israel will be saved….” Does that mean all Israel will be given the opportunity to receive Jesus?

Saving Them From Hell?

Published: February 10, 2015

According to 2 Samuel 12:18-23 When David’s baby son died, he didn’t mourn but went back to his normal routine. When asked about it he said, “I will go to him but he will not return to me.” He meant he would see his son in heaven. Why don’t abortion providers use this to claim they’re actually saving most of the babies they abort from growing up and going to Hell by sending them straight to Heaven?

What’s A Christian World View?

Published: February 10, 2015

In many of your articles I have seen you speak of a “Christian World View” and how few Christians hold such a view. Could you please define it for us? I feel that it is looking at the world through the Bible and it’s prophecies, looking at what is happening in the world news and relating it to prophecy and living in anticipation of what Jesus said would happen in the end times in which we are living. Am I close?

Left Behind Christians?

Published: February 10, 2015

I hear all the time that some Christians will miss out on the Rapture and be left behind. Can you tell us who are these Christians? On a scale of 1-10, where is the cut-off? Do I need to be a 10, and never sin to go? Does scripture paint this picture in your opinion?

Persistence In Prayer

Published: February 9, 2015

Should we take a problem to the Lord and leave it there or keep taking it to Him?

Muslim Against Muslim

Published: February 9, 2015

I believe I’ve read somewhere in scripture that Muslims will fight Muslims but I can not remember where? Do you recall the prophecy? Will they defeat each other? Could that be how Psalm 83 is fulfilled?

Children Of The Light

Published: February 9, 2015

My question is regarding 1 Thessalonians 5:4 which reads, “But you, brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief.” I’ve looked at several other translations and it almost seems to imply that Christians won’t be surprised when the Day of the Lord comes. Why would it surprise us if we’re not even going to be here for it?