Ask a Bible Teacher

The Samson Option

Published: December 7, 2014

I have recently come across mention of “The Samson Option”. Would such action even be possible in light of prophecy? I can’t imagine it would, given that the inevitable outcome appears to be the complete destruction of both Israel and whomever she would attack in such an operation.

Tribulation Time Line

Published: December 6, 2014

I am having trouble fitting the start of the Day of the Lord into the 7 year tribulation sequence. It seems it starts in Rev. 6:17 after the 6th seal, but in 2 Thes. 2:3, Paul says the Day of the Lord won’t come until the AC is revealed, which is in the mid of the tribulation. I thought the mid-trib point is after the 6 trumpets. So where in the sequence of seals and trumpets is the start of the Day of the Lord? Thank you so much for your help!

Is Israel’s Re-Birth Prophetic?

Published: December 6, 2014

I recently ran across videos and articles by those who contend that the current resettling of Jews in Israel is not according to prophecy but is a political situation that is the sole cause of blood shed in the middle east region. They use Leviticus 26 verse 14 and up along with sections of chapter 27 to support this view. Please help me understand why the diaspora has ended and any verses that point to this promise. I can not believe that this return is without warrant from God.

How Do We Know The Re-Birth Of Israel Is A Sign?

Published: December 6, 2014

Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions of your many readers. In many posts and articles on your site, there is much discussion about the timing of the 2nd coming and the rapture. It appears that in the calculations the date of the reunification of the Jews as a nation in Israel in 1948 is used to determine the beginning of the end of times which Jesus referred to in Matthew 24. Are there any Old Testament prophecies to confirm that the re-birth of Israel is an end times sign?

Judging Angels?

Published: December 5, 2014

I’m confused about believers in Heaven, judging angels. What wrong will the angels have done to be judged, if Satan has been vanquished, along with sin?

Full Number Of Martyrs?

Published: December 4, 2014

I have a couple of questions regarding Revelation 6:9-11. Slain souls were under the alter crying out for God to avenge their blood. I read a commentary on this passage and they thought the souls under the alter was the blood of the slain. But in the next verse they are given white robes which to me means that they were more than just blood. Second question, in verse 11 there is a full number to be slain. Is there any significance to this number other than God knows the number?

When Will We Be Judged?

Published: December 4, 2014

From studying Matthew 12:36 seems to me that Jesus was referring to all the “empty words” (idle and careless) that were ever spoken from both believers and unbelievers. Unbelievers will be judged for their words at the Great White Throne Judgement when it mentions in Rev. 20:12 that certain “books were opened.” Since the Matthew 12 verse is also for believers, when will this take place?

How Could Anyone Do This?

Published: December 4, 2014

I have never understood Mt 7:22-23! How could anyone prophesy, cast out demons, and perform many miracles and not believe in Jesus name? Are these people He’s talking about from a different dispensation?

Still More On The Four Horsemen

Published: December 4, 2014

I heard a bible teacher say that the white horse in Rev. 6:2 represents the word of God and not the antichrist. He tied this to the horse being white(purity), the other three horses do not represent actual people, and a verse about Gods word being an arrow. He said that after the rapture a large number of people that had heard about it but did not get saved will turn to the Lord. This I guess is the conquering part. He also said that is it too early in the tribulation for the antichrist to be in power. Have you heard this before?

How Will God Take Away Our Tears?

Published: December 2, 2014

In Rev 21:4 it says that God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow. My 84 year old father is a good man, but he does not believe in God and is not born again. I love him dearly. How will God take away my tears and sorrow knowing that he is in eternal torment ? Will God wipe my memory of anyone who is not there with me or when I’m resurrected will I gain some higher understanding and understand that for my Dad it has to be that way. Either way I can’t bear thinking about it.