Ask a Bible Teacher

Does Everyone Have To Die Once?

Published: December 2, 2014

I’m wondering if you could explain Hebrews 9:27 and how it lines up in light of 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 speaking of those in the Church who will be alive at the time of the Rapture will not die at all but be caught up with Him in the air.

The Fate Of Post Resurrection Jews

Published: December 1, 2014

I know no one is accepted apart from Christ. How are the Jews that are not Messianic since His resurrection capable of any hope for salvation? I am talking about all of them, especially oven ashes, those that screamed in agony at the hands of the nazis, in earnest cries to Jehovah yet without Christ. They burn twice for their hardened hearts? I trust God and know His answer to this question is just and perfect. Nonetheless, I long for a greater understanding of how 2000 years’ worth of Jews could possible be condemned to hell due this hardening until the Gentiles have come in. Not that I cannot accept it, just that I do not know how it is possible that they burn in hell secondary to this seemingly supernatural hardening. Lately it is physically painful to me to contemplate that this is the reality of the post resurrection Jews’ fate. I hate it

Going To A Better Place

Published: December 1, 2014

I am having difficulty explaining to my 12 year old daughter how much better Heaven will be than the world we are living in now. I am familiar with 1 Corinthians 2:9, “Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love him.” (NASB) What other Bible references can you provide that may help me explain the vast difference and calm her fears?

Ezekiel 38 and The Great Delusion

Published: December 1, 2014

Our Lord destroys the armies of Israel’s enemies in the Gog/Magag war to reveal that it was he and not the IDF that causes their defeat. Then He causes a great delusion to come over the people during the tribulation so that they receive the anti-Christ. Why do you think that is ?

In The Twinkling Of An Eye

Published: December 1, 2014

I enjoy your site very much. I was just reading about vanishing in the rapture without our clothes. Do we get new bodies then also? If so, could our souls vanish, leaving our bodies behind? That would be an interesting phenomenon to explain. Thank you.

Trying To Reconnect

Published: November 30, 2014

Some years ago, I had an affair with someone. We discussed divorcing our spouses but didn’t want to hurt anyone. We are not involved romantically any more, but we call each other or have coffee once in a while and there’s still some mutual attraction there. I have tried to reconnect with my spouse but the feeling is gone. I am in a very difficult situation emotionally and don’t know what to do. Can you give me some advice and direction?

A Question On Sin And Forgiveness

Published: November 29, 2014

Just a question on sin from some one in my Sunday school class . If we should sin after saved [which is impossible not to] and die before we ask for forgiveness, are we still covered by the blood of Christ?

What Is The Time Frame Of God’s Wrath?

Published: November 29, 2014

I would appreciate your view concerning the time-frame of the word ‘Wrath’ in I Thess.1:10 where ‘Jesus delivers us from the wrath to come’ and I Thess. 5:9 where ‘God has not appointed us to wrath’. Are these verses speaking of the Great Tribulation (3 1/2 years) or do they refer to the entire 7 years of the 70th Week of Daniel? If this wrath includes the entire 7 years where is it explained in Scripture? I personally support the Pre-Trib. view and believe the entire 7 years will be about God’s judgment, but I would like to give a more complete explanation to friends of mine who believe in the Pre-Wrath view.

Faith Without Works

Published: November 29, 2014

Jesus, by being neither a sinner by nature nor behavior, went to the cross and perfectly satisfied God’s demand for justice and His desire to love us, making His sacrifice on our behalf acceptable to God. I believe that I am saved on that basis. But if Church Age believers don’t have to give evidence of their faith like pre-church and post-Church believers do, then why does James 2:17 tell us that a faith without works is a dead faith? Isn’t James saying that unless we give evidence of our faith, then it is a dead faith? Does dead faith mean unsaved?

Can a Divorced Couple Re-Marry?

Published: November 29, 2014

A divorced couple has entertained the idea of re-marrying. The man stayed unmarried but the woman is going through a divorce with her current husband of 3 years. The reasons for the divorce is his addiction to pornography, which she feels is adultery against her. I have been under the assumption that a man should not remarry a wife who has been polluted through adultery (She had committed adultery – the reason for the divorce previously mentioned.) What do the scriptures have to say about such a situation? Would it be biblical for the two to marry again?