Ask a Bible Teacher

Must The Church Be Physically Removed?

Published: October 20, 2014

Is there a reason why the Church must be physically removed from the earth for the prophetic clock to begin ticking again so that Daniel’s prophesied 70th week can be completed?

Rome And Babylon, Follow Up

Published: October 20, 2014

Re: Rome And Babylon. I am confused and hope you can clarify something for me: in your post about Rome and Babylon you say, “In Rev. 2:13 Jesus called Pergamus the city “where Satan has his throne.” When the Church was merged with these religions Rome became the capitol.” Which church are you referring to as having merged with the Pagan religions? Is it the Catholic Church?

Rome And Babylon

Published: October 20, 2014

My question centers on Revelation 17:18 where one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls tells John the identity of the harlot who sits on the beast. He tells John that “The woman whom you saw is the great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth.” At the time of John’s revelation, it is my understanding that the ancient city of Babylon was in ruins or certainly insignificant. The angel is speaking to John in present tense as best as I can determine and the only city that ruled in John’s day was Rome. Add to this the evidence given to John in the earlier portion of chapter 17 indicating that the harlot is sitting on seven heads that are seven mountains. Rome is the city on seven hills (mountains). What is the relationship between Rome and ancient Babylon or am I way off the bench mark?

Life In The Great Tribulation

Published: October 20, 2014

You have said that after the rapture the world will be left to fend for itself. What about the 144,000 Jewish servants of God and the 2 Witnesses and the Holy Spirit will Who still be on earth and also the “angels”? Revelation says many will be saved during the tribulation.

Is It Wrong To Go Over there And Fight?

Published: October 19, 2014

Thank you for very clear scriptural answers to some difficult questions these many years. I would like to know if you feel it is wrong if Christians would take up arms against ISIS, and go there to physically fight against them. They seem to be causing an upheaval unlike anything we’ve seen since the crusades.

Born Again But Left Behind?

Published: October 19, 2014

You have said, “I believe it (the rapture) is set to happen when a specific number of born again believers is reached, and I base that conclusion on my understanding of Romans 11:25.” When I read that my heart suddenly sank. So if I have just now given my life to Jesus, will I still get left behind?

Getting On The Ark

Published: October 18, 2014

Re: Does God Destroy The innocent? Your Noah reference does not make sense to me after reading your scripture references. I only read God saying He is going to destroy the world and Noah and his family are the only ones to survive. Where was this invitation to come aboard?

Is Jesus The Only Way?

Published: October 18, 2014

I am taking a study on the book of John. In our current session a discussion came up on John 14:6. The leader of the group had a reference from a preacher who stated there are many ways to get to heaven and that accepting Jesus as our savior was just one. I tried to point out that the passage of John 14:6 was Jesus telling us that the only way to God and heaven is by believing in him and accepting him as our savior. Surprisingly I found myself in the minority. Please give me your thoughts on John14:6.

Payback For Dividing Israel

Published: October 18, 2014

Can you help me find the passage of Scripture that refers to what GOD will do to nations that divide Israel?

Hades And Hell

Published: October 17, 2014

I really enjoy your website and thank you for your teachings. I was listening to a well known prophecy teacher on television. He said that there is no one in hell right now, that those who have gone on are instead in Hades until after the tribulation period then those people will be sent to hell at that time. Could this be correct? God bless you richly in all things.