Ask a Bible Teacher

The One World Religion. Follow Up

Published: August 26, 2014

Regarding your Q&A titled “Can Islam Really Become the One World Religion”, you stated in your answer that you believe that a great leader from the Islamic faith will emerge to restore peace and order. How can this future leader emerge from Islam since he’ll have no regard for any god including the god of Islam as it states in Daniel 11:37?

God’s Obligation To Israel

Published: August 26, 2014

I think Americans are expecting God to protect our country just as He does Israel, but God has no Covenant with the US and is not obligated to it. Are there Scriptures to show that judgement will come on the whole world, and God will only keep His Word to save Israel since he is bound to them?

Can Islam Really Become the One World Religion?

Published: August 26, 2014

In your study of Rev. 6 you put forward the following; “After the true Church is gone, those who also call themselves the church, but have been left behind, won’t have much trouble at all accepting Islam.” Do you still hold to this belief?

In light of Ezekiel 38-39, which you have stated, and I believe, will occur before the tribulation, God destroys the federation of Muslim countries that come against Israel. God explains in Ezekiel that all will know He is God at the end of this conflict. 1) Why would anyone seeing this believe that Islam is the true religion since it’s armies were destroyed 2) With all of the atrocities that are being committed in the name of Allah at this time, could any sane person come to that conclusion?

Did God Make A Mistake?

Published: August 26, 2014

Did God make a mistake when he implemented the Law? I ask this question because when reading Acts and Hebrews, there are many statements made about the superiority of the New Covenant over the Old. Several places mention that the Law cannot save you, only the new “High Priest” (Jesus) can accomplish that. I realize any plan devised would be inferior to His ultimate plan of giving us his own son as a sacrifice for our sins, however, couldn’t there have been a better plan implemented until His ultimate plan was revealed in Jesus?

Rapture On The Day Of Atonement?

Published: August 25, 2014

You once said that if God intends to make the rapture coincide with a Jewish feast day then the most likely by far would be Pentecost(Shavuot).”

I realize we are only speculating here, but I believe that the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) could also be a likely candidate. It is probably the most holy feast of the seven feasts. God told the Jews to spend evening to evening afflicting their souls (fasting, praying, confessing, sacrificing, etc.; Lev. 23:32).

Through Jesus Christ “we have now received the atonement” (Rom. 5:11). Our sins have been covered, carried away and forgotten. Sin must be covered but it must also be removed and forgotten. After sacrificing a goat for the nation’s sins, the High Priest would lay his bloody hands on another goat, which was the scapegoat, and confess the nation’s sins. The scapegoat was sent into the wilderness and no one knew where it went or what happened to it. It just disappeared….kind of like what will happen at the Rapture.

Some scholars believe there will be a 3 year interval between the Rapture and the start of Daniel’s 70th week. Daniel’s 70th week is 7 years long in duration. Seven plus three is ten. Ten is another of God’s perfect numbers of completion. Does this sound logical to you?

Born Righteous And Choose To Become Sinners?

Published: August 25, 2014

Are we all born righteous and only become sinner when we choose to sin? In one statement (Romans 5:19) it seems clear that Adam’s sin has infected us, but other scripture tell us we do not bear the punishment of our fathers (Ezekiel 18:19-20). Then you have those who are adamant in stating we are all born pure and that sin is a choice. Because of Adam the flesh dies but the spirit only dies if one chooses to sin. As one person put it so directly: “Original sin is a doctrine of demons, we became a sinner by choice, not because of Adam.” Please help explain this subject?

How Can We Expect To Be Taken?

Published: August 25, 2014

I am a born again, Bible believing Christian and I also believe in a pre-trib rapture. But I must admit that lately I have been feeling so guilty asking for my family and I to be found worthy to be taken in the rapture considering the ongoing slaughter of my Christian brothers and sisters in the middle east. I feel so helpless about not giving them anything other than prayer (which is the most important thing I could do). I live in the US and I feel that all of us here in America take for granted the freedom, safety and blessings that the Lord has given us. I am having a hard time wrapping my brain around the thought that Christians in America can live a blessed life without any fear of losing our lives for our faith, not having to endure the hardship that our brothers and sisters in Christ are going thru in the middle East and then be taken in the rapture. Why should we expect to not go thru what they are going thru – isn’t that having our cake and eating it too?

What If I’m Tortured?

Published: August 25, 2014

I have a bible tract that suggests we could be tortured or killed for our faith here in America before the rapture or tribulation begin. Do you think this is possible? What about people who do like Peter did and deny Christ out of fear? I know that you are supposed to love God more than your own life but thinking of torture and the ways you could be tortured are scary. Peter was forgiven but how do you deal with something like that?

Isaiah And The Rapture

Published: August 25, 2014

I am currently reading through Isaiah. One chapter/verse has stuck with me, and I need some insight. Do you think that Isa 26:20-21 is speaking prophetically about the Church, or is he speaking to the remnant of Israel that will be supernaturally protected in Petra during the Great Trib? I read the NIV, and it uses the word “rooms”. Upon reading Isaiah’s statement, I immediately thought of John 14:2, where the NIV also uses the word “rooms”, and I understand its a more literal translation of Jesus’ statement, as opposed to Mansions in the KJV. Could it simply be a coincidence, and Isaiah is really just speaking to Israel?

Telling False Teachers From Correct Ones

Published: August 25, 2014

How does one sort out false teachers/prophets from the correct ones? Ever since I became a Christian, I’ve noticed how clever false teachers are with scripture and how imaginative they can be. They seem to talk about personal revelations that God gives them, and the scariest thing is that they talk so passionately about God, Jesus, Holy Spirit. How can we know one from the other?