The Plagues Of Egypt And The Tribulation
Published: August 25, 2014If the plagues of Egypt are a type of Tribulation and God doesn’t spare the Isrealites until the 5th plague(in fact their lives get much worse as they begin), is this symbolic of a mid trib rapture? I believe in the pre-trib, but haven’t been able to come up with an answer to the above with any satisfaction.
Time Frame Of God’s Wrath. Follow Up
Published: August 23, 2014Your recent answer regarding the time-frame of God’s wrath gave me pause. In Revelation we see a multitude of martyred saints gathered about the Throne, beseeching God to avenge their deaths. He tells them to wait a little longer. (Perhaps there are still some post rapture believers that haven’t been martyred yet?) Wouldn’t this suggest that His Wrath is poured out after the last martyr enters Heaven? It’s like Sodom and Gomorrah, where God established that He wouldn’t destroy the towns if even one righteous were still found there. I suspect that His Wrath is gonna be for a period towards the end of the tribulation, and might even follow the flood and Egypt patterns in the neighborhood of 40 days.
Why Are There No Sacrifices Today?
Published: August 23, 2014The blood of animals (sacrifices) are not required in the Church Age for believers. The Israelites stopped sacrificing after their return from Babylon and even today are not slaughtering animals as offerings. Why?
Death In The Millennium?
Published: August 22, 2014Would you please clarify this verse for us?
“Never again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his years; he who dies at a hundred will be thought a mere youth; he who fails to reach a hundred will be considered accursed. Isaiah 65:20.
It sounds like there will be death in the millennium. Am I understanding that verse correctly? I am also trying to understand in the millennium – Rev 22:2 – that the leaves will heal the nations – why do the nations need to be healed?
Is It OK To Be Married?
Published: August 22, 2014I have a question about marriage. Is it okay to be married? This may seem foolish but the Bible says it is better for a man to be single. I am already married but this makes me feel that I’m weak for not staying alone. thank you for your insight.
Two Resurrections Or Three?
Published: August 22, 2014I firmly believe in the pre-trib rapture and have studied much of your teaching on the subject. I have one area that I am still uncertain about. It is about the resurrection of tribulation saints. In your article “Defending the Pre-Trib Rapture (Again)” you explain that Rev. 20:4-9 shows that tribulation saints are resurrected at the same time as Old-Testament saints, at the end of the tribulation and before the millennium. I can see you are correct from that passage, but what proof do we have that these saints are not simply the church age saints who died in the tribulation?
That is what post-tribbers insist. I often hear the argument that a pre-trib rapture can’t be right since it makes it necessary for there to be three resurrections. They claim there would have to be one at the pre-trib rapture, a second for O.T. and trib-saints at the end of the tribulation, and a third for those who died outside of Christ at the end of the millennium. It does seem that way from the Rev. 20 passage, and verse 5 does refer to the tribulation saint’s resurrection as “the first resurrection”.
How Does That Glorify The Lord?
Published: August 22, 2014I must be missing something, I just don’t get it. You say in your answer to when will animal sacrifices stop that when the Lord returns sacrifices will begin again and will continue throughout the Millennium. Why? How does the slaughter of innocent animals for 1000 years glorify the Lord? And why would a loving God want that?
How Did It Happen? Follow Up
Published: August 22, 2014Re. How Did It Happen? In your answer, you say that the Holy Spirit comes after believing. I’ve believed for a long time that it is the Holy Spirit who draws us and that He woos us to Christ. Now after reading this answer I’m wondering if I’ve got this wrong. Would you please clarify?
Why Is The Rapture Necessary?
Published: August 22, 2014What part does the rapture play in saving us from the wrath of God, when we have already been saved from that wrath by doing what others refuse to do – Accept Jesus as our Savior. God’s wrath falls only on the un-saved who reject Christ so why would we have to be in heaven to be protected from his wrath when there would be no reason for his wrath to fall on us? God protected the children of Israel when he was pouring out his wrath on Egypt, can he not do this same today with his church?
How Do We Prepare To Leave?
Published: August 22, 2014You’ve said, “The signs pointing to the End of the Age are appearing all around us. This is not happening so that we can hunker down and prepare for the storm. It’s happening so we can begin making preparations for our departure. Whether it’s several months or several years is immaterial. The sooner we act the better prepared we’ll be.” What preparations should we be making?