Ask a Bible Teacher

Will Sanctions Against Russia Cause Ezekiel 38?

Published: August 2, 2014

I am wondering if the current sanctions placed on Russia by the EU and US might be the catalyst for the Ezekiel 38 war. My understanding is that Putin has a strong interest in the oil reserves in Israel. Could an economic downturn in Russia resulting from these sanctions motivate the invasion?

Looking Around During The Rapture?

Published: August 1, 2014

I am a believer and when talking to my mom about the rapture I told her I wanted to look around to see every other believer being called to Heaven. I think it will be a spectacular sight! My mom told me I better keep my eyes on the Lord or I could turn into a pillar of salt like Lot’s wife. Will I be able to look around or will I be completely focused on the Lord during the Rapture?

United Or Divided?

Published: August 1, 2014

Do you think that the church will ever be united and stop the “in-house” fighting? I know the end time church will be small and lack influence, but will doctrine become a non issue? Will we be about Jesus and Him only? I just don’t see how this thing plays out before the rapture.

When Do The Sacrifices Stop?

Published: July 31, 2014

My question refers to Israel AFTER the rapture of the church. You mention (which I believe) that the battle of Ezekiel will be used to once again “wake up” Israel and turn their hearts back to the Lord and put a desire back in their hearts to rebuild the temple, but here is where my confusion begins. After the battle, it is mentioned that they will rebuild the temple and begin the sacrifices in the temple again because they are back in old covenant relationship with God. At what point will they see and accept the Messiah, Jesus, and STOP the sacrifices? Will it be at the 2nd Coming? I’m just confused about the starting of the sacrifices again and I’m not sure when they will finally see and accept Jesus as Messiah and realize His sacrifice is sufficient. Thank you so much.

Watch Out For False Messiahs

Published: July 31, 2014

I have a question regarding Mt 24:5 “For many shall come in My Name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many”. This verse is often quoted to describe cult leaders misleading their flock. The text itself however seems to be saying that those doing the deceiving aren’t coming in their own name but His and aren’t saying they themselves are the Christ but Him. What exactly is this verse saying then?

Will The New Jerusalem Land On Earth?

Published: July 31, 2014

Is there anywhere in the Word that says the New Jerusalem will not descend to the earth because of its size?

Should You Have Told Him That?

Published: July 30, 2014

I am curious on this subject the person asked about Going To Hell For Lying. Do you think by your answer that the person might feel it is okay to lie since we won’t go to hell for it. Aren’t Christians to walk in the truth for it sets them free, the truth that is. Does that mean this man if he lies, will be in bondage?

Watchman Or Peacemaker?

Published: July 30, 2014

How can we be a watchman on the wall with the daily assault on Israel, shooting innocents out of the sky, flooding the borders with armed assassins, and the overall evil corruption in our own government, and still maintain our peace? I am ticked off all the time. This is truly a conundrum. No wonder so many Christians are apathetic and paralyzed into stupor. They are overloaded and it’s just going to get worse.

What Is The Apostles’ Creed?

Published: July 30, 2014

My intellect is simple ( I think that is a blessing) and I like a simple explanation, and when I come across a statement of belief that go over my head from a denomination that I will not mention, I wonder how much trust should I put toward this denomination. Could you please help me understand? This is their Statement of Faith: “We believe in what is termed The Apostles’ Creed as embodying all the fundamental doctrines of orthodox evangelical Christianity.” What is the Apostles’ Creed?

Will Jesus Save Those Who’ve Never Heard of Him?

Published: July 30, 2014

I understand and agree with your position that Jesus is the only way we can be saved, as no one is capable of keeping the law. My question is: Does Jesus, through his atoning sacrifice, save those who are ignorant of his existence through some mechanism that I (and apparently many others) am unaware of?