Ask a Bible Teacher

Concerned For My Friend

Published: July 16, 2014

A friend who lives across the country from me has developed a close friendship with a woman who has a lot of problems and admits she is not a Christian. She boasts about her adultery, her drug use, and other things, and says that she has no desire to be a Christian but only attends church because my friend drives her there and it gives her a chance to look for men.

I have tried to express my concern that this woman will drag my friend down and away from God. My friend says her faith is ‘strong enough’ to stand up to this, but she is very involved in this woman’s life and has already participated in some of her sinful behaviors! At what point do we realize we can’t change an unsaved person and let go?

The Rapture Seems Unfair

Published: July 15, 2014

Thank you very much for your reply on the purpose of the Church. I have one follow up question. Why do you think we will be so blessed (inc going in the Rapture) when we do not and will not suffer as much as those in the Tribulation ? It seems unfair to those who will be in the Tribulation !

Can People Place Themselves Beyond Salvation?

Published: July 15, 2014

I have a question that most Bible teachers stay away from. Here it is: is it possible for a person to harden his heart to where he is beyond salvation?

Where Did The Water For The Flood Come From?

Published: July 15, 2014

Recently, there has been some speculation that there is a “water ring” around the Earth’s inner core. And although I did not see the movie “Noah”, the commercials showed water geysers shooting up around the Ark. Do you believe that part of the water canopy that used to surround the Earth prior to the Flood could be held there for perhaps future use by the Lord?

What Does If Mean?

Published: July 15, 2014

Once again I am so thankful for your site, everyday I learn and get a deeper understanding of the Word. My question is on Colossians 1: 21-23. I believe in OSAS but Paul’s use of “if” in verse 23 has me confused as it seems like a salvation issue. Can you help?

Who Will Be Left To Fight?

Published: July 14, 2014

Please help me understand how there will be people capable of even gathering for the battle of Armageddon. I know it will happen because that is what God stated. I’m just having problems figuring out how. How enough unbelieving people would have survived to get to that point since by then a lot has happened. I just see a world completely destroyed by the wrath of God’s judgments, natural disasters & good vs evil world wars; unbelievers on the verge of death due to the demonic bug bites, no drinking water, and people hiding in caves just for survival & living in complete fear.

Wealth In the Millennium?

Published: July 14, 2014

Here’s a question that has bothered me for some time: if the nations in which Israel had been living for some 2000 years are to be destroyed, what sort of “wealth” are we talking about that would be brought into her during the Millennium? Consider that there would in all likelihood be NO world economy at all, and even if there were a few commercial aircraft, that would be capable of flying, who would be left to even repair or maintain them? I am assuming that no boats would be available as Revelation speaks of their destruction, and to go by land from America would be a stunningly arduous journey if the seas were all dried up and only land travel would be possible.

One Day Equals 1000 Years?

Published: July 13, 2014

I’m not a new Christian and I know a lot about the Bible, but I have never in my life heard the interpretation that Hosea 6:2 means the Church Age will last 2000 years and then the Lord will return to establish His Kingdom. . The one I’ve heard is that Hosea 6:2 will be fulfilled during the Tribulation in a literal three days and on the third one Christ will return. Where does this other idea come from?

A Millennium Question

Published: July 13, 2014

Regarding Rev 20:1-3 The Millenial Reign, I don’t understand something. Where are we, who have been faithful to Jesus all of our lives during this time period? I gave my life to Christ and am a firm believer. If Satan is released during the 1000 years, and there’s enough sin left in the heart of man, do I have to fight this battle with myself all over again? OR, do we who have accepted Jesus sacrifice get to rule with Him and be protected from Satan’s lies during the millennium? Please clarify for me.

Q.During the Millennium, the Church will be in the New Jerusalem, home of the redeemed. But read Rev. 20:7 again. “When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison.” According to this verse Satan will not be released until the end of the millennium. Even so, once we’ve been raptured and given our perfected bodies, our fight with sin will be over. We will have overcome the world, just like the Lord did.

The sinful men Satan will recruit at the end of the Millennium (Rev. 20:8) will be descendants of survivors of the Great Tribulation who will go into the Millennium in their natural state to re-populate the Earth. This is foretold in Matt. 25.31-36. These descendants will have rejected the Lord and will have refused to allow His death to pay for their sins. When Satan is released they will be fair game for his deception and will join his final attempt to claim planet Earth as his own. Fire will come down from heaven

Who’s Responsible? Follow Up

Published: July 12, 2014

Re: Who’s Responsible For This. I believe, Father God had a “blueprint” of everything that was going to happen to our world. Before something happens, He knows. Therefore, did He not know us by our names, who we were going to be, everything that was going to happen in our lives, etc, even before we were “a twinkling in our parent’s eyes”, and not only from conception?