Ask a Bible Teacher

More On The Parable Of The Wedding Banquet

Published: July 12, 2014

Re: Saved From The Worst But Kept From The Best? When you wrote about the man being ejected from the wedding feast, you said “He hadn’t kept himself pure and had lost his salvation. When the Lord returned, he tried to gain entrance into the Kingdom in his own clothing (on the strength of his own righteousness) without the righteousness imputed to him by faith (the wedding clothes). He was discovered and ejected.” This man was already at the wedding feast. How then did someone who God knew was not a Christian get into Heaven in the first place? Am I reading this incorrectly?

I’ve been researching the term outer darkness lately. There are many sites on the ‘net that bring in this wedding crasher man into this phrase, and a lot of them suggest that Christians who do not get any crowns, or lazy Christians who have no reward are thrown into the outer darkness. No matter where I search, I keep getting conflicting ideas and different opinions. It seems as though no one has a clear answer. To say this has me perplexed is putting it mildly.

Salvation And Judgment

Published: July 10, 2014

Do the unbelievers before the Salvation message of Jesus have any hope of having a choice of accepting Jesus at the Judgement Seat? I am referring to pagans and Romans. And are the sins of the Priests who put Jesus to death knowing that he was the son of God ever forgiven? And being that our sins were forgiven as believers, what are we accountable to at the judgement where we stand before God and remember all our sins?

Will They Remember Us?

Published: July 10, 2014

You may have answered this, but after the Rapture people will be left behind. Will they have a memory of us, or will they be confused about where we all went, and go out and start looking for us. I believe some will know what happened to us but a lot won’t know.

The Millennium. More Follow up

Published: July 10, 2014

Once again you have stated that the Jewish people will return to the Old Covenant and sacrifice animals in the temple. I do agree that they will during the first half of Daniel’s 70th week, but don’t agree that those who accept Jesus as their Messiah and survive unto the Millennium will continue in that ritual. I believe that a new covenant will be made between God and man that will not include blood sacrifice. Jesus made the ultimate blood sacrifice for all pre- and post- Rapture believers.

Muslims Against Muslims?

Published: July 9, 2014

I have a question regarding the end times going forward and the events that we see taking place in the Middle East. Not so much between the Jews and Muslims, on that I am pretty clear. Is this expected and where in the Bible do we get an explanation of the ongoing battles between the Muslim groups and all of the fighting which appears to be evolving into a full out civil war or Sunni vs Shia?

More On The Millennium. Follow Up

Published: July 9, 2014

Re: More On the Millennium. When the church comes back w/Jesus on the white horses and we see him victorious in the battle of Armageddon….I have been told that we will stay on the earth in the millennial kingdom working for Jesus. If that’s right (and please correct me if it’s not), will the church be scattered around the world working or will we stay in Israel w/Jesus? If we are working everywhere, what will it be like for someone who may be working in an area that undergoes a plague or something? I don’t assume we will be suffering but I guess I never thought about trials and hardships after we are raptured… that something we may experience?

You Should Ask Her

Published: July 9, 2014

I was in a Bible study last week and a close friend of ours indicated that she never prays to Jesus. Instead, she only prays to God. I found this confusing. How can one be intimate with Jesus and not pray to Him? Can someone have this attitude and still be saved?

Leaving Our Bodies Behind?

Published: July 7, 2014

Thinking of how the news media is pushing the idea for at least the last 20 years of a World Wide Pandemic, and that there are many movies and a new hit TV show on the subject, I have been thinking that the public is primed and ready for this to happen. Why would we take our bodies to meet Jesus and leave just our clothes? I am convinced that will not happen. I think the strong delusion will be the millions of raptured saints bodies passed off as the coming worldwide pandemic. Someone will have to step up to calm those left behind and clean up the mess. Am I off base, and if not, why is everyone saying that only empty clothing will be left? I have never heard anyone say millions of bodies will be everywhere and it will be an international disaster. Is there anyone out there who thinks this way, besides me?

It’s Better To Marry Than To Burn

Published: July 6, 2014

Re: 1 Corinthians 7:9. “But if they don’t have self-control, let them marry. For it’s better to marry than to burn.” Does this mean anyone who has had sex before marriage is going to hell?

Ezekiel 38 And The USA

Published: July 6, 2014

Thank you for your Godly replies. For Ezek 38 to be played wouldn’t our USA have to be totally out of the picture as I believe we would rush to Israel’s aid when this takes place?