The Rapture And The Red Heifer
Published: June 26, 2014I’m sure you’ve heard about the red heifer that has been found somewhere in the US, that is apparently qualified to be used in the third temple that will be built soon. I know finding the perfect candidate is huge in Biblical prophecy, but how does it fit into the rapture, are we that close ?
Millennium Or Eternity?
Published: June 25, 2014I have a question about a few verses in Revelation….specifically Rev 21:27 & Rev 22:15. The first verse follows a description of the new Jerusalem & it mentions that nothing evil will be allowed to enter, no idolators, etc. I guess I thought there would be no evil after the millennium. The second verse describes the people who are not allowed to enter the city…again they are described as immoral, murderers & sorcerers. I thought these types would be condemned at this point & cast into the lake of fire. Can you provide some clarification on my confusion?
Can Angels Be Saved?
Published: June 23, 2014Recently, our bible study leader talked about the rebellion of angels (Satan in particular) that started the disorder of God’s peace, and of them being cast out as a result. He mentioned that both angels and humans have free will to serve God, a choice to either be for God or against Him. My question is, can fallen angels ask for God’s forgiveness and be restored to their former position with Him? Is it possible for them to repent and be forgiven just like humans?
The Rapture And The Martyrs Of Rev. 6
Published: June 23, 2014I’m having trouble with the souls under the altar in Rev 6:9-11. This sounds so much like true believers waiting many years for the Lord to avenge our blood. If these souls were killed during the Tribulation wouldn’t they know that they wouldn’t have to wait much longer without asking ? Also why do you think John didn’t see or mention a multitude of people before the tribulation starts? I know many believe the 24 elders with crowns perhaps represent the raptured saints but why wouldn’t John make it more clear what was to happen to true believers before the tribulation ?
Still More On An Islamic Anti-Christ
Published: June 23, 2014Re: The Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria. So, you think the government of the AC will be an Islamic Caliphate? How do you reconcile this with the nation of Israel accepting it?
Will We Mourn Those Left Behind?
Published: June 23, 2014Concerning we who are believers and have been raptured. Will we still mourn for our family and friends who were left behind?
Post Trib Rapture verses From Paul?
Published: June 23, 2014In 2 Thes. 1:6 – 10 we read as follows.
6 Since it is a righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you, 7 and to give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, 8 in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power, 10 when He comes, in that Day, to be glorified in His saints and to be admired among all those who believe, because our testimony among you was believed.
This passage seems very clearly to point to a post trib rapture unless I am missing something glaringly obvious. I have asked many ministers and teachers about this passage and have not really had a satisfactory response, so I was wondering if you would like to have a stab at it.
Why Watch For The Rapture?
Published: June 23, 2014Re: At An Hour When We Don’t Expect Him. So, if i am not watching for the rapture that you say is imminent and I have repented of my sins and I know that Jesus died for my sins and paid the debt that I owe, I am not going to be raptured because I’m not watching for it. Is that right? If I am going to be raptured even if I’m not watching for it, than why should I watch for it as you suggest?
An Hour When We Don’t Expect Him?
Published: June 23, 2014Thank you for the tremendous effort you put into your site. It is a great blessing and a must read every day. It seems like every where I read just about every one, that is all born again believers, are expecting the rapture very soon, but the Bible says it will happen at a time when it is not expected . The thought that we might have to wait longer for it to occur is sad, can you please comment.
What About Believers Who Have No Bodies?
Published: June 22, 2014What about believers whose bodies have been cremated and ashes deposited over the oceans or into the air and whatever particles of dust remain were consumed by animals or fish; or those who have been burned in fires and there is no body; or anything else that that would prevent there being a body to bury? I don’t know how to say this because I do not want to be flippant, but it seems there will be some in the Rapture who will not have a body with which to be reunited. Will God call into being a new body with identical traits as the living counterpart had?