Ask a Bible Teacher

Why Am I Giving To Those Without Need?

Published: June 22, 2014

This isn’t really a question but a thought. Why should I tithe at my church when the pastors there live in million dollar houses and drive a BMW or Mercedes. Yes, I do know this for a fact. So basically my tithe is supporting their expensive mortgages. These same men turn around and tell all of us to be content with what we have and that having a lot of money is basically evil unless we use it for God’s purpose. Yeah, like supporting their BMW payments.

1000 Years Of Peace?

Published: June 22, 2014

As always, thank you for your ministry. It is a shining spot in my day. I just want to clear something up in my mind regarding the 40 year desolation in Egypt. I thought that the Millennium was to be a time of peace and prosperity until some time towards the end when Satan is to be let loose for a time. If that is so, then how will Egypt be made desolate for 40 years at the beginning?

Refuting The Claims Of Unbelievers

Published: June 20, 2014

How do you respond to claims in books written by unbelievers that there’s no historical evidence for the existence of Jesus and that Christianity is just another version of the savior myths that were part of so many ancient societies?

Can We Lose Our Salvation In Extreme Cases?

Published: June 20, 2014

I recently presented the view of Hebrews 6 that you discussed in one of your articles but someone suggested that Hebrews 6 is for an extreme circumstance where someone completely throws it back in God’s face and says that they don’t believe anymore and wants nothing to do with God. They suggested that in such a circumstance, it was re-crucifying Christ all over again and they would be beyond salvation. I didn’t say anything because I’ve heard of people who became atheist but ultimately came back to God. I was wondering if there was some solid Scripture to back up either claim?

Understanding Ephesians 5

Published: June 20, 2014

I know that God requires nothing more from us for salvation than our faith in the redeeming sacrifice of Jesus. Most days I am comfortable in that belief, however, this morning in my devotional time, I read a passage that I have read many times before, yet today it struck a nerve. If Paul is addressing believers in the Ephesian Church, then why in chapter 5 does he warn that anyone who is guilty of the sins listed in verse 3 will not have an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God?

Overpopulation Problems In Eternity?

Published: June 20, 2014

Do you think that those who make it through the Tribulation and Millennium will enter eternity in their mortal bodies and thus continue to produce children? If so, wouldn’t the earth eventually become overpopulated and thus the need to colonize other planets? I know it sounds wacky, but it has crossed my mind a couple of times.

Chrislam And the Luciferian Doctrine

Published: June 20, 2014

My question is on Revelation 8 & 9 where you say that during the tribulation there will be a doctrine called “Luciferian Doctrine”. Is that the Chrislam we are seeing formed today?

Why Were They Upset?

Published: June 20, 2014

I’ve always been a bit baffled by the passage in Luke 4:14-30 where Jesus preaches in a synagogue at Nazareth. At first it appears the people are impressed and welcome him. But he states a couple of obscure references to Old Testament stories and the next minute the people are in a rage and try to throw him off a cliff! Can you explain some of the subtler sides of this story? Why were the people so incensed at some OT stories, and why did Jesus feel the need to quote from some proverb about “physician heal thyself”?

What Is Dominion Theology?

Published: June 19, 2014

Regarding the “Great Revival” and other questions previously submitted about the “Dominion Doctrine”. I know that any doctrine that is not based on scripture ultimately is of satanic origin. You stated that you could find no scriptural support for that particular belief and you offered scriptures that refute it. Can you expound on the beginnings of that teaching and discuss the harm that can come to the Church through the proliferation of Dominion Theology?

Can The Elect Be Deceived?

Published: June 19, 2014

Matt. 24:24 says false prophets/messiahs will deceive the very elect “if it were possible.” Does that mean what I think it implies, that the “very elect,” the born again, cannot be deceived by false prophets/messiahs? That it is not possible for us to be deceived? How far does God’s hedge extend for our protection? Does it protect against deception by false prophets and false messiahs only, or does it go so far as to protect the Church from being deceived by phoney doctrine? Are we safe from being deceived?