Ask a Bible Teacher

Is This For Israel Or The World?

Published: June 5, 2014

Was the promise recorded in 2 Chronicles 7:14 intended only for Israel or does it apply to the Church as well? Many Charismatic believers use this verse to support their view that there will come a great revival in the world prior to the return of Jesus.

The Narrow Gate

Published: June 5, 2014

How come Jesus said that few will enter through the narrow gate? Since all we have to do is believe that Jesus Christ died a substitutionary death for our sins, that seems pretty easy.

Justifying Psalm 83 As Prophecy

Published: June 5, 2014

I’m writing to you about Psalm 83. I’m puzzled because Asaph says the nations named are conspiring against Israel. He doesn’t say they attack. If that is so, perhaps God will answer Asaph’s prayer and confound His enemies while they squabble amongst themselves during the plotting stage of an attack. I just don’t get the sense of an actual war from Psalm 83 — only plotting and planning. If you believe Psalm 83 is a war prophecy, please tell me your reasoning.

How Do We Know Psalm 83 Is A Prophecy?

Published: June 5, 2014

How do we know that Psalm 83 (which, to me, sounds like a prayer, rather than a prophecy) is actually a prophecy of war? What makes that “prayer” a “prophecy” that we know as the Psalm 83 war ?

The Rapture In Acts 15?

Published: June 5, 2014

I read in one of your answers that you see Acts 15:13-18 as a proof of the pre-trib rapture, I think I see what you’re saying but it seems a bit weak. Would you clarify these verses for me?

Are They Being Foolish?

Published: June 5, 2014

I know of a few people who are born again believers but who have gone back under the law, even though they are not Jewish. They practice all the laws and some men have become circumcised. The Holy Spirit has shown me that is not required of us, as has the bible. How does one show these people they are being foolish?

A Cloud Of Witnesses

Published: June 5, 2014

In a recent post, you stated “there’s no biblical support for the belief that departed loved ones can observe us from Heaven”. But I’m sure I’m not the only one who read this and had Hebrews 12:1 come to mind. I do know that the word “witnesses” indicates the lives of the champions of faith in chapter 11. But what throws me is the description of them being a “great cloud”, painting an image that these patriarchs might actually be hovering above us, watching. I’d be interested to know your thoughts on this passage.

What’s The Point?

Published: June 4, 2014

What’s the point of the Bible telling us all about the end times such as the Great Tribulation, the Anti-Christ, seals, trumpets, bowls when we all will be gone from Earth in the rapture and we, the church, are the only ones who read the Bible?

A Talking Snake?

Published: June 4, 2014

This has driven me crazy and no one ever talks about it. Why didn’t Adam and Eve think it strange that a serpent could actually speak to them? I would have been freaked out.

The Restoration Of All Things

Published: June 2, 2014

The Bible says God is going to restore the earth to its original, fresh-out-of-the-box state. That’s a major overhaul. I know He can and He will. But, while He’s lowering mountains and raising valleys, what’s going to happen to all the people? Does scripture suggest any kind of a “work around” plan?