Ask a Bible Teacher

Problems With Future Father-In-Law

Published: May 16, 2014

I really, cannot stand my soon to be father-in-law. I have no respect for him as a man, he wasn’t around for my fiance when she was little, her aunt and uncle had to raise her. He doesn’t speak his mind, he only whines about things after the fact. Being seen in public with the man is always embarrassing as his hygiene is suspect and he always manages to slop food on his shirt. I try to have compassion for this guy, but his life is the culmination of his own stupid mistakes.

My fiance still cares for him, and for her sake I put up with him; but we are hoping to move to Texas by next year and she sent chills up my spine when she told me that her dad would probably follow us down there. That might be more than I can bear. At least up here, her uncle does everything for him, down in Texas that responsibility would fall to me. How do I get past my loathing and resentment toward him? If he doesn’t care enough to take charge of his own life, why should we do it for him? I know I should show more compassion; but even when I do, I am only doing it because I feel God expects it of me, not because I want to. How do I get over this?

Will Israel Still Be A Nation?

Published: May 16, 2014

When you say Israel will be on Earth during the Millennium do you mean Israel will still be a distinct nation during that time, made up of Jewish believers? Does this mean that gentile Tribulation survivors will live in other parts of the world? Isn’t Jerusalem where Christ will reign from?

Pre And Post Rapture Believers

Published: May 15, 2014

Re: Your commentary on Revelation 7: 9 – 17. What is the scriptural substantiation for: (1) your separation of believers into two classes, pre-rapture and post rapture, and (2) the notion that the Church will enjoy greater blessings and rewards in Heaven than the post rapture believers? We know that faith alone is the only requirement for entry into Heaven and He makes no distinction based on when one came to the Lord.

Why Do You Say The Church Is Invisible?

Published: May 15, 2014

In your About Our Beliefs page, you say that the only true church is that invisible body of believers from all walks of life and every denomination and faith who have trusted Him and only Him for their redemption. Why do you say “invisible”? As Christians, we should be as visible as the Holy Spirit leads, shouldn’t we?

Dissapointed In My Son

Published: May 15, 2014

I am so disappointed in my son and the decisions he has made in his life. He has served time in prison, he has been on drugs, he has lied to me, stolen money from me, doesn’t want to work, and is now married with a 2yr old daughter. He stays in trouble with the law, is constantly in and out of court, and owes numerous fines. I have prayed, talked to him, tried to set up opportunities for him, turned him over to God, but it never changes. I don’t know if it is possible for me to give up on my son but I am so tired. Please give me some advice.

Not Peace But Division?

Published: May 15, 2014

I have questions on two verses in the Gospels. In both Matthew 10:34-36 and Luke 12:49-52, Jesus said he did not come to bring peace but division on earth. Using the NIV version, Jesus mentions that he would bring fire on the earth and wishes how it would be kindled (Luke 12: 49). He also says that families would be divided: daughter against mother, son against father, daughter in law against mother in law, etc. Why was Jesus saying that families would be divided? What did He mean when he said he would bring fire on the earth and wished it was already kindled?

When Was Hell Created?

Published: May 15, 2014

Thank you for your ministry as I get blessed by it regularly. I have a question. When was hell created?

Overcomers And the Rapture. Follow Up

Published: May 13, 2014

Re: Overcomers And the Rapture. A brother supported his “overcomer” belief with Phil.3:10-11; that the resurrection Paul spoke of here would be that of “elite” Christians. Reason being, the apostle used a specific word there (exanastasis). After reading on this for a little while, I personally believe Paul was referring to the Rapture – that he wanted to experience being taken up with the Church.

Walking On Water

Published: May 13, 2014

Our Pastor spoke of literal meaning and not literal meaning of some of the Bible’s messages. He said a parable is a story to teach us something and not to be taken literally. (Example:The Prodigal Son) On the other hand, he spoke of Jesus walking on the water. He said if Jesus was like us, he couldn’t have actually walked on the water because we can’t. What are your thoughts about this?

Messiah Forever!

Published: May 12, 2014

In the many Messianic prophecies in the OT, is it ever stated, definitively, that Messiah is a Divine Person; the Son; God Himself; or anything of that nature?

OT prophecy describes Messiah’s Kingdom as eternal, but is Messiah Himself ever described as immortal, eternal, etc.?