Ask a Bible Teacher

What Happened To Matthias?

Published: April 19, 2014

My question is about Matthias, the apostle who replaced Judas. My SS teacher said that he believes that Paul should have been the replacement apostle rather than Matthias. His reasoning is that there is nothing more known about Matthias after his selection and he says, a careful reading shows that the Lord was not consulted about the selection. I know that Paul is sometimes called the 13th apostle, but is anything known about Matthias?

Pagan Symbols For Religious Holidays?

Published: April 19, 2014

I was reading your commentary on the letters in Revelation to the 7 churches which made me think of a question. Do you think God sees it as a sin that we Christians (really saved) use/display what used to be pagan symbols in our homes at Christmas and Easter such as the Christmas tree, yule logs, eggs, bunnies, etc?

Is Cremation Forbidden?

Published: April 19, 2014

I was speaking to a Christian friend who said in their church they are going to do a Bible Study on cremation. I would like to know what Scriptures says in this regard. At death will we be condemned for cremating our body?

How Could Nicodemus Understand?

Published: April 19, 2014

Before Jesus was crucified and resurrected, he preached the gospel. He told Nicodemus that he must be born again. I wonder what this meant to the people who heard him as the Holy Spirit had yet to be poured out on believers. How could someone be born again when at that time regeneration by the Holy Spirit was not possible yet?

The Lord’s “Seven Last Words”

Published: April 19, 2014

What are the Lord’s 7 last words from the cross?

What Is The Origin Of Good Friday?

Published: April 18, 2014

I agree with you that the day of the Lord’s death on the Cross was Thursday. My question is, why do we call Friday, “Good Friday?” Even if the day of death was Friday, why would it be called good?

Raptured Children

Published: April 18, 2014

I am searching scripture looking for something that tells me that the children under the age of accountability will also be taken in the rapture. A friend asked me this and I told her that yes they would be removed at the rapture but could not back-up my statement with scripture that actually spells that out.

Children In The Rapture

Published: April 17, 2014

Some people teach that all children under the age of accountability will be raptured, but I am having trouble reconciling this with scripture. If we use things in the OT as “types” I cannot make it fit, e.g. in the flood only Noah and his family were saved out of it, but presumably any children under the age of accountability who died would go to be with the Lord, but they still suffered physical death.

Also with Lot and his family being taken out of Sodom, the children under the age of accountability were not taken out but suffered physical death, even though they then would go to be with the Lord.

Surely it will be the same with the rapture; any children that die in the Tribulation under the age of accountability will go to be with the Lord and those that reach the age of accountability will have the opportunity to receive salvation. Can you shed any light on this? Thank you so much.

The Lord’s Childhood

Published: April 16, 2014

There are dozens of accounts about Jesus’ childhood. Most are fanciful, others are reported as “factual” in varying degrees. Is there any account of Jesus’ childhood that you feel confident to recommend as the “most factual”?

Is North Korea Mentioned In Prophecy?

Published: April 16, 2014

A recent news headline has reported that “In secret and with remarkable speed, North Korea has built a new, highly sophisticated facility to enrich uranium, raising fears that the North is ramping up its atomic program.” Since they are not in the list of nations specifically mentioned in either Psalm 83 or Ezekiel 38-39, how does North Korea fit into end times prophecy (as an individual nation) or do they?