Great Revival Ahead?
Published: February 14, 2014It seems like a lot of Christian preachers are calling for a revival these days. I read their blogs and watch them on TV. Does the Bible teach this, and if not why are these preachers demanding something impossible?
A Workman Approved Of God
Published: February 13, 2014I was studying II Timothy 2 for encouragement, and got a little hung up on verses 20-21. I think Paul is saying that we can expect to find non-believers dwelling in our churches and attending our congregational meetings. Verse 21 says, “If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.” Is Paul advising us to have absolutely nothing to do (purge himself) with non-believers? Or is this more of a warning to avoid their influence? Can you clarify the intended meaning?
World Wide Weather
Published: February 13, 2014I live in England and as I write this we are experiencing severe and prolonged storms on a scale never seen before. I wonder how this fits in with Bible prophesy about the end times. I understand the Bible says these things will happen in the last days and perhaps this is part of the birth pains prophesied. If it weren’t so serious it would be laughable listening to the so called experts trying to explain why it’s all happening. Without a doubt this country has turned its back on God and I wonder if the Lord is sending us a warning. How do we who love the Lord try and convince a more and more skeptical nation?
John The Baptist’s Last Question To Jesus
Published: February 13, 2014Once again I come to you for help understanding the scriptures. This time it is to help me understand what Jesus is talking about in this passage “Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me.” (Matt. 11:6) I don’t understand why Jesus would say that anyone could “fall away”. Other translation say “who does not stumble”, “who do not turn away”, who is not offended”, “who will not be suspicious”, “who doesn’t loose his faith”, “who shall not be scandalized”,…Because of me. What does he mean here?
Is Pre-Trib Wrong?
Published: February 13, 2014Please could you tell me why a great woman of faith warned people all over the world about Christians not being raptured as there is so much persecution already. Please watch her testimony. Corrie said the Lord sent her to warn us before we got too complacent. I want so much to go with the Lord pre-trib, and I’m so unsettled now. They say FEMA camps are going to open up all over. What’s your take on this?
Millennial Sin
Published: February 13, 2014I remember once reading a book about Bible prophecy wherein the author said that sinners during the millennium will receive immediate punishment when they sin. Is this Scriptural?
Rapture In Rev. 10:7?
Published: February 13, 2014I have been a pretrib rapture believer and defender for many years. I can support it from every angle out of the old or new testament, and I have a great understanding of the problems with placing the rapture anywhere but pretrib. I have read many times where you say not to let one verse undo what many verses have already established. Having said all of that I am wondering if you could help clarify Revelation 10:7 where talking of the mystery of God being accomplished by the seventh angel, at the seventh trumpet, and whether or not it is referring to the rapture of the church at the last trumpet.
Islam And The End Times, Follow Up
Published: February 13, 2014After reading your article titled Islam And The End Times, I have several questions. Given Islam’s unpopular reputation as a very violent religion, how could post Rapture masses willingly follow a leader representing it? Also, if Israel at that time considers this fiendish peacemaker to be the Messiah they were looking for since Old Testament history, then how could they cooperate with and endorse him by allowing him to construct a Jewish temple near Jerusalem? Isn’t the anti-Christ supposed to be of Jewish descent to make this arrangement? If the the aforementioned is accurate then how will this future ruler be of Islamic origin?
The Darkness Of The 5th Bowl Judgment
Published: February 12, 2014When the 5th Bowl Judgment hits, the Bible says darkness covers the throne of the Beast. How long will this last? I can’t imagine it will last until the time Jesus comes in His 2nd coming because there is the assembling of the armies at Armageddon and they’d need light to fight that battle. Am I right, or am I off base? Or will the darkness last until the 2nd coming? I did a search but couldn’t find any conclusive answers.
Sinners In Eternity?
Published: February 12, 2014I believe my understanding is correct that during the Millennium, believers can lose their salvation and will be required to conduct animal sacrifices. But once the Millennium is over and Satan is forever shut away to no longer influence believers, will it still be possible for those living on Earth to lose their salvation? Will they be required to continue animal sacrifices in eternity?