Ask a Bible Teacher

Repent After Taking The Mark? Follow Up

Published: January 30, 2014

Not just one prophecy teacher teaches that you can take the mark and still be redeemed. I heard several other well known teachers agree with this on a you tube clip I watched. I really have enjoyed these men’s teachings on other subjects. This teaching could cause people that are here through the tribulation to take the mark to survive thinking they can still be redeemed. What is your opinion on following their teaching if they teach this?

Will The Holy Spirit Leave With The Church?

Published: January 30, 2014

Does the Holy Spirit leave the Earth when the rapture happens?

Must The Church Preach The Gospel In All Nations?

Published: January 30, 2014

I am curious about Matthew 24 vs 14, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” I was taught all my life that Jesus wouldn’t come back till every nation had heard the gospel. After following your website now for sometime, I believe that Jesus was talking to the nation of Israel in this chapter.

Since I now believe that the rapture will happen when the fullness of the gentiles has come in, this verse 14 must be talking about the period of the tribulation and not of the church reaching the whole world with the gospel. So reaching the whole earth with the gospel is not a prerequisite of the rapture, but of the second coming. Am I correct?

Was Jesus Limited While On Earth?

Published: January 29, 2014

I have a question about Our Lord when He was on earth. I have heard it said that His knowledge or power was limited on earth according to God the Father’s discretion. That is why Jesus frequently prayed to the Father or the scriptures say, “Not even the Son of Man knows” about a particular thing. Do you agree with this?

When Will Israel Recognize Him? Follow Up

Published: January 29, 2014

Re: Your comment from your answer on when Israel will recognize their Messiah. “Putting this verse (Zech. 12:10) into the chronology of the end times according to Zechariah, I think Israel will nationally acknowledge Jesus as their Messiah shortly before the end of the Great Tribulation.” I thought the Battle of Ezekiel 38 opened Israel’s eyes to Jesus. Doesn’t the Lord reveal Himself to them as He supernaturally intervenes? I am a bit confused here.

Repent After Taking The Mark?

Published: January 29, 2014

Recently a popular Bible teacher taught that people will be able to repent of having taken the mark of the beast, otherwise there would be no one to enter the millennial kingdom. If the false prophet does cause all to receive the mark and if the mark does result in damnation, maybe he has a point. All I can think of is that there must be a lot of people who escape the mark and survive the judgments. What are your thoughts on this?

When Will Israel Recognize Him?

Published: January 28, 2014

Re: Matt. 23:39, “For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.” Do you think it will be long after the Tribulation that Israel will finally acknowledge Jesus as their Messiah? Or do you think the tribulation will end when they fulfill Matthew 23:39? or Are both those possibilities inaccurate?

Tribulation Believers Who Die

Published: January 28, 2014

I have a question about the people who will be saved during the tribulation, but who die from the plagues, not necessarily from being killed for their faith, beheaded, etc. Will these people be considered martyrs? We see the reference to those who were slain for the word of God, in Revelation 6:9, the souls under the altar. What about the ones who died from disasters or natural causes during the Great Tribulation, but who have not taken the mark? Are those under the altar they who have died in the Great Tribulation, or from previous times?

OSAS And 1 John 1:5-6

Published: January 27, 2014

In light of what you mentioned at the end of your article, “What does the Bible say” part 2, do you have a study that covers what is said in 1 John 1:5-6?

Who Are The Prophets Of Rev. 16:6?

Published: January 27, 2014

In Revelation 16:6 when the bowl judgments are poured out, verse six states “For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets.” I’m assuming saints here speaks of people who are saved after the rapture but who are these prophets? Also in verse 15 Jesus says, “Behold, I am coming as a thief…..” That seems a little confusing since the Bible tells us how many days the 7 years of tribulation/great tribulation will last. It seems that people who are still alive could pretty much calculate when the 2nd coming will take place. Any thoughts on this?