Ask a Bible Teacher

Did Eve Have Sex with Satan?

Published: January 27, 2014

In Gen. 3-13 God asked the woman what she had done. Did Eve have sex with Satan?

Reaching the Full number, Follow Up

Published: January 27, 2014

Re: Reaching The Full Number. I would appreciate your comments on this paradox. I believe, as you do, that there is a specific number of Gentiles that need to be saved before the Rapture can occur. I also believe, as you probably also believe, that God knew, before He even created anything, the exact date (day, time, etc.) of the Rapture. Given this truth, how can God be waiting for a certain number of Gentiles to be saved to “trigger” the Rapture, as you say. He predetermined both the number and the time of the Rapture. And He is in complete control. The full number of Gentiles will be reached at the precise predetermined time of the Rapture, as planned. To say that the timing of the Rapture is dependent upon our evangelical efforts, as if we have any control whatsoever over it, is contradictory to God’s omniscience and omnipotence. Is this not true?

Creating A New Reality

Published: January 27, 2014

Last Sunday my preacher said “perception is 90 percent of reality” from the pulpit, and I was wondering what the Bible has to say about that idea? Is this like the idea I can create my own reality?

On The Cross

Published: January 27, 2014

First of all, thank you for your wonderful website. I have a question in wondering if there is a deeper significance than I realize. When Jesus was accused, he remained silent. When he was crowned with the thorns, the same. When he was enduring the agony of the cross, the same. His first “complaint” is when he cries, and then with a loud voice, “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me.”

In my human thinking, I would have first tried to defend myself, then would have constantly cried and complained of the treatment. It would only be when death was upon me that I could envision any relief…quite the reverse of what happened. I’m certain we, as humans, cannot even envision the horror of what awaits those without God. Is there significance beyond that?

Did God Make Conflicting Promises?

Published: January 26, 2014

In 1 Samuel 13:13 it implies that if Saul had not acted impatiently but had waited for Samuel to arrive and perform the sacrifice “the Lord would have established your (Saul’s) kingdom over Israel forever”. That being the case, wouldn’t it also follow that the Messiah would have been a descendant of Saul (a Benjamite) which conflicts with previous prophecies that the Messiah would be from the tribe of Judah?

Reaching The Full Number

Published: January 26, 2014

Re: “Is the Rapture Overdue?” I also agree that the rapture is overdue and hasn’t happened because the “Fullness of the Gentiles” has not been reached. I see many believers on internet forums telling others to “Hurry up and get saved, so the rapture can happen.” But we also need to be about the Lord’s business of evangelizing to family, friends, and to all the nations just as Jesus said with the Great Commission. The more we evangelize, the more saved. The more saved, the closer we are in reaching the full number of the Church. With all that said, in what ways can we help in evangelizing others? I’m not financially able to travel, but I really want to proclaim the word of God to others more than ever before , especially those in countries who have never heard God’s word.

Is The Rapture Overdue?

Published: January 26, 2014

I don’t know about you, but it seems to me the rapture is overdue. What things could cause the Lord to postpone his return, could it be lack of evangelism by the church? Could it be resistance to the gospel by those that are to be saved? Any thoughts?

The Church In Rev. 12?

Published: January 26, 2014

Thank you so very much for all the great work you do, I’ve learned so much from you. I see the church in heaven in Rev. 4:4 as the elders clothed in white robes, then we see the church coming with Jesus in Rev.19:14. My question for you is, do I see the church in heaven in Rev. 12:10-12 also? It sure looks like the church to me.

Willful Sin

Published: January 26, 2014

A husband has left his wife and two boys, she wanted to work it out but he refused. He was a deacon in the church and taught SS. He told her that the Lord would forgive him. He left knowing he was going against God’s will and that God would forgive him because he was unhappy. There was another woman, they found out later. I know that God forgives our sins but this seems to be sinning knowing God will forgive. Can you help me in this?

Will All My Questions Be Answered?

Published: January 26, 2014

I have years and years worth of questions written in my prayer journal that I want to ask someone, as soon as I get to heaven! So, will I have to ask or will we be instantly infused with all knowledge upon arrival? I have a million of them! Will I even care once I get to heaven?