Ask a Bible Teacher

Time In The Millennium

Published: December 14, 2013

Eternity is outside of time, is the kingdom outside of time? I ask because when I consider Matt 26:29, when you take a sip of wine there is a beginning and a end to that sip……isn’t that a time thing? I ask because I have a hard time thinking about a place outside of time. How do you consider a timeless state of being?

More On The New Jerusalem

Published: December 13, 2013

When the New Jerusalem descends from heaven in Rev 21, I was under the impression that the city would not be on earth, but sort of a satellite, like our moon. If that is the case, then part B of Rev 21:24 intrigues me: “The peoples of the world will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their wealth into it.” If this city is a satellite, how do earthly people “bring their wealth into it?” I believe you also believe the New Jerusalem will be a satellite. I hope I interpreted that correctly. I guess there might be forms of travel. It seems odd to think that we are new creatures and will be mingling with humans, or that humans will be walking within the New Jerusalem.

Speaking Things That Are Not?

Published: December 12, 2013

Gods Blessings on you, and again thank you for your site. Question: Where is the scripture that states that we can “speak things that are not – as though they are” ? Please explain…

Israel And The New Covenant

Published: December 10, 2013

I am ever so thankful for your site – read it every day. I have a question regarding the new covenant – in Jeremiah 31:31-34 – we see the Lord saying that He will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and Judah – it is my understanding that we are talking here prophetically of the covenant with the Church – if so – how do we understand that to be the church from that portion of scripture when it specifically says the house of Israel and Judah?

OSAS And The Full Number

Published: December 9, 2013

Until just yesterday, I struggled with believing we could not lose, nor walk away from, our salvation. I was sitting at work and it dawned on me that we have a number that has to be fulfilled prior to the rapture. If OSAS isn’t true, that number could never possibly be hit as I see more and more people walking away from true Christianity due to apostate churches. Am I in-line in my thoughts? I know other countries are having success with evangelizing, but in our own nation, the numbers would be dwindling rapidly, possibly enough to balance out new people coming to Christ, making the number incredibly difficult to achieve. I feel like this may be the “proof” I needed of OSAS. Thoughts?

Nukes Before The Rapture?

Published: December 9, 2013

I was wondering if you think nuclear weapons are mentioned in the Bible? I’m thinking about 1 Thessalonians 5:3 or Zechariah 14:12. I’m especially concerned for Israel as Iran moves ahead on it’s nuclear program with the blessings of the U.S and other countries. Do you think that Iran will be successful in launching a nuclear attack on Israel or any other country before the Rapture of the Church occurs?

Redeeming Israel

Published: December 9, 2013

Can you tell me where in the Old Testament God tells Israel that He is sending a Deliverer – the one they were waiting for? In Rom. 11:26 it refers to the Deliverer. The Jews must have been told because it is referenced but I can’t find it anywhere except possibly Luke 2:11 where the angel announced to the shepherds the birth of a Savior.

Will They Be Saved?

Published: December 9, 2013

After reading the Bible and your study guides, I have realized something that troubles me and I ponder at the thought. What happens to people (family and friends) who miss the rapture and then realize that they were left behind due to their unbelief or uncertainty about The Lord and salvation… for example, let’s say after the rapture, and right before, or at the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week, these people accept Jesus and then die of natural causes, sickness, or in accidents, will they become saved and go to heaven?

Cherubim In Eden. Follow Up

Published: December 8, 2013

Re: The Cherubim In Eden. I read this question today and thought there should be more to your answer. I thought these angels that were guarding Eden cohabited with the daughters of men, which would make this new race of aliens (don’t know what to call them as they are not human) not redeemable. Thought this led to giants and then the Flood. So many people just don’t understand why God wanted to destroy so many groups in the OT. Because they were not redeemable! How do you see this?

How Will The Rapture Happen?

Published: December 8, 2013

I have another question regarding the Rapture. The most popular opinion is that at the Rapture, all the believers will be “vanished into thin air”, leaving behind their clothes and accessories. I have no problem with this opinion. However, the Bible doesn’t explicitly state this; in fact, I find the verse in 1 Cor. 15:52 only says that “we will be changed in a twinkling of an eye”, nothing about disappearing. What is your view about this? How do you think the Rapture will happen?