Ask a Bible Teacher

More “Three Questions” follow Up

Published: November 4, 2013

Re: The Three Questions Of Matt. 24. After reading your article I’m wondering, can the parable of the 10 Virgins refer to Israel and not to the rapture of the church?

Three Questions Of Matt. 24 Follow Up

Published: November 3, 2013

In Matt 24:34 Jesus said the generation that sees the signs He was describing would not pass away until they have all been fulfilled. The average life span is 70-80, but a man could also by great luck live to be 100. You don’t think Jesus meant that even if there was one 100 year old man left at His second coming that would count, do you?

Romance In Heaven?

Published: November 3, 2013

Will there still be romance in heaven? After the rapture, during the millennium and beyond, do you think it’s possible that men and women will still fall in love with each other?

Questioning The Placement Of Ezekiel’s Battle

Published: November 2, 2013

Re: the Sequence of End Times Events. You have said that the Rapture comes first, then the Battle of Gog and Magog, then the 70th Week of Daniel, but why wouldn’t the 70th Week begin before the Battle of Gog and Magog and not after it? Couldn’t Gog and Magog come with the red horse in Rev. 6 after the anti-Christ has brought a false peace to Earth?

A Temple Question

Published: November 1, 2013

Thank you for your dedication, insight and guidance for so many of us. Your web site has truly been a blessing in my life. I have just been reading about the temples and I for one have thought that there would be a temple in the tribulation. After reading your answer that is not so. My question is where does the “abomination of desolations” take place?

Will Gentiles Be Servants To The Jews?

Published: November 1, 2013

I’d like your opinion on OT passages that state Gentiles will be the Jews’ servants during the Millennial Kingdom. For example: Isaiah 14:1-2, 49:22-23 and 61: 6-7. I must admit, the thought of formerly anti-Semitic unbelievers, who convert to Christianity during the Great Tribulation and wind up serving the Jewish people, seems fair. But these passages imply that all Gentiles surviving the Tribulation will be in service to Israel. I am having a difficult time matching this with God’s promise that we are all his sons and daughters; that he is not a respecter of persons; and Gentiles are co-heirs of the promises made to Abraham.

Questions About A Home Bible Study

Published: November 1, 2013

At a home Bible study a self proclaimed pastor spoke about the end times. He among other statement alleged that fear was not a spirit, the antichrist was not a person (spirit only) and that the Rapture would not occur until the Satan was under the church’s feet. I’d appreciate your usual insights.

Jesus And The Neanderthals

Published: October 30, 2013

I’d be interested in what your thoughts are concerning reconciling the creation of Adam and Eve, as explained in the Holy Book, with the skeletal, anthropological evidence of the existence of other hominid species, especially the skeletal remains of “Neanderthals”, who were here on Earth for several hundred thousand years? Outside of the “nephilim” in Genesis and Numbers, no other humanoid creature is mentioned. Jesus talked about Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah, and many other Old Testament teachings, but never about prior humanoids.

Nuclear Warfare And The Millennium

Published: October 28, 2013

I was thinking about the tribulation and the 7 year period. If the Millennium is going to start shortly after that 7 year period, would that rule out the nuclear weapon wars that we all fear? How would the earth be in habitable within 7 years of a nuclear war? Also, what is your view of the ‘ Illuminati’ and their drive towards their NWO? Don’t they realize they will have no one to rule over after Christ returns?

Understanding Rev. 14:9-11 Follow Up

Published: October 27, 2013

Re: Understanding Rev. 14:9-11. I am one of those that hopes/believes in the “punishment fits the crime” principle where a non-believer’s time in hell will be determined by the “goodness” of their life, after which the person will be destroyed and will cease to exist in any form. Why should a “good” person receive the same punishment as Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin or Saddam Hussein? Also, Jesus talked of the “Second death” in the Bible. If non-believers suffer for all eternity, then Jesus is a liar and there is no second death.