Ask a Bible Teacher

Was Adam The First Man?

Published: October 27, 2013

Thank you for your wonderful site. It has helped so often with home bible study groups over the years. We have a sincere and good lady who keeps believing there was a race before Adam. We cannot get her away from this. What are the key arguments to make it clear to her that she is in error here.

Understanding Rev. 14:9-11

Published: October 27, 2013

In Rev. 14:9-11 what exactly does the third angel mean when saying, “He will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb”? It almost sounds as if he is describing someone viewing a public execution. Am I interpreting this correctly?


With His Dying Breath?

Published: October 26, 2013

In the past you have written, “I believe that a person can ask with his last breath to be saved and the Lord will agree.” Does that mean if somebody says with his last breath “God, if you exist, please help me!” the Lord will save him from eternal damnation? Is this enough?

Establish Our Work

Published: October 26, 2013

Thanks again for sharing your insight and teaching us. I was wondering what does it mean when someone asks God to establish the work of their hands?


How Will We Feel?

Published: October 25, 2013

Will there be class division in Heaven? I mean, people that have earned rewards (crowns) by doing God’s will on earth and living for him, and then people who get in by the skin of their teeth. Will they be treated different, do you think? Like say, people who just got in, without rewards, will they have lowly jobs, smaller mansions, have to wait years to talk to Jesus? Or do you think it’ll all be equal? Thanks! Love your website!

What Did Ham Do?

Published: October 25, 2013

I know there are a number of different interpretations of Genesis 9:22. Could you give me your opinion? Thank you.

Ineligible For Salvation?

Published: October 23, 2013

I was talking with a Bible study teacher at my church who interprets 2 Thes 2:8-10 as indicating that after the rapture anybody who has heard the Gospel and rejected it prior to the rapture is ineligible to receive salvation in any sense before the 2nd coming. In so doing, he is putting this in the same arena as blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and receiving the mark of the beast. His focus on this is with the words “those who perish” and “they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved.” What are your thoughts on these verses?

Mercy Before Judgment

Published: October 23, 2013

Luke 12:49 has puzzled me for many years. Jesus said He came to send fire on the earth and how He wished it were already kindled. (NKJV) I’ve thought of different interpretations – the fire that would come at Pentecost, the fire of God’s wrath against the ungodly (tribulation), and fire in a believer’s heart that is manifested by fervent love of God and service to Him. Do you believe it is one of these or is there something else? I would truly appreciate your understanding.

Good And Evil

Published: October 21, 2013

In John 5:28-29 the Bible says “Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.”

This verse has me concerned as a believer in Jesus Christ. I was curious to know if this scripture pertains to unbelievers when it says “and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.” Those that have done good and receive eternal life are believers, correct?

More On Taking The Mark

Published: October 20, 2013

I just read that by 2017 , our current administration has plans for each person in the United Stated to receive a microchip. I realize this is just speculation, but if we were to actually take the chip, would we be in jeopardy of losing our salvation even though the antichrist is not yet on the scene? I love your website and read it every day. Thank you for all you do for us.