Ask a Bible Teacher

False Rapture Teaching

Published: September 16, 2013

I very much believe that we are in the last days and believe that the rapture of the Church could happen at any time. When I read blogs like the one I’m sending you, I find myself feeling a bit confused. I feel excited that they seem to indicate the rapture is imminent, but I have a difficult time supporting their “prophecies” through the Bible. It is difficult to see how this could be a deception when the primary focus seems to be to encourage people to witness and tell others about Jesus because the time is short. The discussion about a “cataclysmic event” and then 3 days of darkness prior to the rapture, however, does not seem to line up with the Bible. What do you think?

The False Prophet?

Published: September 16, 2013

Over the last few months I have been shocked at some of the teachings from the Pope. Specifically, his statements negating the Bible’s clear teaching that Jesus is the only way to the Father. First the Pope told atheists that they would be saved if they were “good people”, and more recently, that if one merely follows their conscience they too would be saved. It seems like He has reduced Jesus from the Savior of mankind to a mere option among many. In light of his recent “teachings”, it seems to me that the Pope could be the emerging False Prophet of Revelation. Is it too early in the End Times to identify the False Prophet?

Israel’s Coming Battles and The Rapture

Published: September 16, 2013

I used to believe that the Rapture would need to happen before either Psalm 83 or Ezekiel 38 could occur. My reasoning was that as long as America was both a super-power and Israel’s ally, no one would dare attack Israel (although it never stopped the Arabs in the past, I was thinking more along the lines of Russia and Iran). With our economy on precipice and the world no longer fearing us (watch the news), I’ve begun to think that the Rapture would not be necessary to weaken America sufficiently to encourage Israel’s enemies to attack. And having just read your article about the Restrainer, the sad thought that the Rapture might not occur until after the battles of Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 entered my mind.

Since Paul stated that the Restrainer (Holy Spirit) will be removed at the “proper time” to reveal the anti-Christ, wouldn’t that suggest that the Restrainer would be removed just before the opening of the first seal rather than at an earlier point in time (e.g. before either Psalm 83 or Ezekiel 38)?

Can Taking Communion Heal Us?

Published: September 15, 2013

I was watching (a well known TV preacher) while He and his guest were discussing Communion, and how it can be taken daily to heal our infirmities. Now, I believe that God does indeed heal today, but the way they presented it made me think that they were using Communion as a tonic. I covet your thoughts please.

The Dead Will Rise First

Published: September 14, 2013

First of all I love your sight, I just found it a few weeks ago and can’t wait to read it everyday. I am confused about the verses in 1 Thes. 4:13-17 I believe that when a born again Christian dies their spirit and soul goes to be with the Lord. My confusion is if the dead are already with the Lord, and we all get new bodies, why in verse 14 will God bring them with him and then rapture them back up?

Satan’s Big Surprise

Published: September 14, 2013

According to my understanding of Satan’s perception of victory at the Cross, was it because he, like the Temple hierarchy, expected only a conquering King when Messiah came? That is, Satan did not understand the dual nature of Jesus’ coming to earth, first as the Suffering Servant, and only then, much later, as the King. Therefore, when he killed Jesus on the Cross, he believed he had thwarted God’s plan for the Messiah to become King of the earth, and it would be back to the drawing board for God. Have I got it right?

Enticed Into A Cult

Published: September 13, 2013

What would become of people who were brought up in a Bible believing church but were enticed to join a cultist organization who only believe certain parts of the bible and back up their beliefs by brainwashing methods? Can the poor people be blamed for being led wrongly?

Was Mary Born Without a Sin Nature?

Published: September 13, 2013

Since original sin was passed by Adam to his sons would that also mean that Eve passed on original sin to the daughters? Was the virgin Mary born without original sin? Is it true that the Virgin Mary is the only human born without original sin, other than Jesus and Adam and Eve prior to sinning?

Bema Seat Rewards

Published: September 13, 2013

Since he will still have access to the Heavenlies, will Satan be watching the Bride receive our Bema Seat rewards? I can’t imagine that such an incredible event would be tainted by allowing him to be there.

The Beast Of Rev. 11:7

Published: September 11, 2013

Revelation 11 is a very curious chapter to me. The two witnesses are prophesying (giving details of what is about to happen to mankind?) and no one can harm them during the 1260 days of their ministry After they have finished the beast comes from the Abyss to kill them. In chapter 9 a star is falling from heaven and given the key to open the Abyss as horrific things come out of the smoke of the Abyss. Is this beast the same as the one called Abaddon the king over the Abyss that attacks the two witnesses? And the things coming from the Abyss in chapter 9 might they be hybrids or something from Noah’s’ days that were being kept in the Abyss until the judgment? Just wondering what your thoughts on these strange beings might be?