Does Israel Model OSAS?
Published: February 27, 2024Would you say that OSAS is modeled in the Old Testament through God’s relationship with the nation of Israel? The covenant that God made with Abraham in Genesis 15:9-21 was a one-sided covenant with God as the only participant demonstrating the “union” side and Israel’s on again off again relationship with God over the years representing the “fellowship” portion. What do you think?
Can Satan Influence Our Future?
Published: February 27, 2024Can Satan know things about our future and then make those things come true? I know he can’t be 100% accurate like God is, but are there things he knows about our future, and can he work behind the scenes to make those things come true?
Does John 1 Precede Genesis 1?
Published: February 27, 2024When I compare Genesis 1:1 with John 1:1 I see a huge difference, but I’m asking for your opinion. Isn’t John 1:1 much more ancient than Genesis 1:1? His being has to predate His work, does it not?
Is Gun Ownership Biblical?
Published: February 26, 2024With all the talk about guns lately, it is making me wonder if we should get one. What do you consider to be the biblical perspective of a Christian having a gun for protection purposes?
The Christian Life
Published: February 26, 2024I was reading through James and stumbled upon James 4:4. I’ve been taught that having possessions and hobbies are okay, as long as they don’t become the center of my life and get in the way between me and God. But after reading this verse, I’ve found anything I do for fun to be a bit disconcerting. I know in all things I should act for the Lord, but if I’m just playing a sport or watching a movie, I find it hard to connect that with God in some way; it seems impossible. I was hoping for your respected opinion on this matter.
Not Really A Watchman?
Published: February 26, 2024I was born again five years ago and I’ve told my friends and family about Jesus, the coming rapture and all that. I’ve also given out tons of tracts to strangers. I’ve written articles online and posted them in high-traffic areas. I’ve prayed for people I know who are unbelievers, to come to Christ. But as far as I can tell, nobody has! Am I doing something wrong? Maybe I’m not really a watchman after all?
The Origin Of Baptism
Published: February 23, 2024In John 3 Jesus was baptizing people and John’s followers got into an argument with a Jewish man about purification. Could water baptism have been born out of this Jewish rite of purification? Does it mean that our spirits are now clean like purification meant that their bodies were clean for ceremonies? I was just curious trying to understand how the argument came up during the time of water baptism.
Sin And Self Mutilation
Published: February 23, 2024Your explanations on the difference between Union and Fellowship have been very helpful to me in quelling the fears about a salvation that can seem so tenuous when it is not properly understood. I was just about to breath a big sigh of OSAS relief until I re-read the “cutting off the hand that causes you to sin” teaching in Matt. 5:29-30. Jesus seems to be saying that we must excise sin in our lives with drastic measures or there is a danger that we could go to hell. Do we just content ourselves with all the clear passages of OSAS and write this off as an unclear teaching? Do we assume that Jesus is saying something other than that sin will cause us to go to hell if we don’t take measures to quash it?
Was Judas a Believer? Follow Up
Published: February 23, 2024Do You think Judas was a believer when He was chosen to be one of the 12? And if he wasn’t why did the Lord choose him? I don’t believe in predestination so I don’t believe Judas was predestined to betray the Lord. What do you think?
Thy Will Or My Will Be Done
Published: February 22, 2024How does God’s will/plan prevail when we have a freewill to make our own choices? How does God’s will override our free will? Our daughter believes she is in God’s will but, as her parents,and after praying, we believe that she is not in God’s will. How does God use the wrong choices we make to bring about His will in our lives?