Confused About Communion?
Published: July 11, 2013According to a DVD I just saw, the Lord’s Supper was meant solely for healing and we really should be taking it every day (as often as you do this) and even more if our affliction, be it health, finances, marriage, or whatever, is ongoing. I always thought that 1 Cor. 11:25 (this do in remembrance of me) was just that; to remember what our Lord and Savior did for us on the cross. But evidently there is so much more; especially in the taking of the “elements”. According to this study, the bread is just bread, and the wine is just wine until we ingest it, at which point they become Christ himself. Have I been confused in my understanding?.
Post Church Salvation One More Time
Published: July 11, 2013I have a question about post-church salvation. I think I agree with your view about OSAS being only for the church, I wonder how it would be possible for tribulation believers to maintain their own salvation. Isn’t it impossible in any context? Will the Holy Spirit be helping them keep up their strength?
Come Out Of Her My People
Published: July 11, 2013Many are using the scripture “And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. (Revelation 18:4 NKJV) as a reason to not go to church. What is the actual meaning of this verse, and is this an appropriate use of it?
What About The Emerging Church?
Published: July 11, 2013I’m interested in your perspective on the “emerging church”, and “new Christianity”, etc, that has come out of the ‘seeker friendly’ church movement. I believe that what is ‘new’ is not true and what is true is not new. My question is, do you see this movement tied to the end times? Is it one of the seven churches of Rev. 2-3? Or is it just a distraction that will soon fade away?
A Question About Replacement Theology
Published: July 11, 2013I found an article on a Christian site where the author claims that the Old Testament contains many prophecies that cannot be fulfilled and promises that have been forfeited because God’s promises to Israel were conditional. Am I correct in interpreting his teaching as replacement theology? What would you say in a rebuttal to this? I personally don’t believe in replacement theology and think it is a heretical teaching and was interested in your view. Thanks for your wonderful insight.
Can I Really Know I’m Saved?
Published: July 11, 2013We are all sinners, and though I thank God every day for all he has provided me, and beg him to not leave me, how do I know when all is said and done and I am standing before God he will not say to me, “Be gone! I know you not.” Several of us were talking about this and I thought I would ask you. We do believe that Jesus is the son of God made man who came to earth and died for our sins that we may know everlasting life in heaven. It is only by the blood of Jesus washing us clean that we can ever hope to stand before God the father and hope and pray he tells us welcome. So there you have it. Can you help?
Our Deceitful Heart
Published: July 11, 2013RE: Jeremiah 17:9-10. “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.” Do we still face this? Or is this talking about after salvation?
Sheep And Goats, National Or Personal?
Published: July 11, 2013I think I understand all the judgments as to when and where they will occur and who will be involved. However, I am having a problem determining exactly what is the judgment of the nations. Is it in conjunction with the Sheep and Goat judgment? Is it called the judgment of the nations because all the people living at the end of the Great Tribulation from their various nations will be called to this judgment? I know that whole nations, as well as individuals, have been judged by the way they have treated the Jewish people. Will whole nations be judged or just on an individual basis within these nations? Thank you for the time you spend answering our questions. It has certainly been a blessing to me.
Is Matt. 24:30 About The Church?
Published: July 11, 2013One question that constantly comes out of the mouth of Post Tribbers is Matt. 24:30 and it’s relation to verse 29 before it, insinuating the rapture is the gathering spoken of and happens after the tribulation. I am sure I have read some reference about this in one of your articles but I am not sure which. My explanation usually deals with the fact that Jesus, here speaking to Jews is also prophesying the fate of the Jews living through the tribulation (context). However the explanation always seems to come across as my interpretation and I really have no clear scriptures to back it up. Any thoughts or scriptures I should consider?
Spiritual Beings In A Physical Place?
Published: July 11, 2013I frequently wonder how spiritual beings can be confined to physical locations, such as the spirits of unbelievers being confined to Hades or thrown into the lake of fire?