What Does Rev. 20:14 Mean?
Published: July 11, 2013In Rev. 20:14, it states that “Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire”. Am I correct in interpreting this verse as meaning that death and Hades will simply no longer exist? Wouldn’t that make this verse figurative? Death is not a “thing”, per se, but rather the cessation of life. Hades is a spiritual realm, so I’m having trouble seeing it being tossed into the lake of fire which, I assume, is a physical place.
Did God Allow This?
Published: July 11, 2013I have known and heard about many marriages that didn’t make it. Two in particular were bathed in prayer and many attempts at reconciliation were attempted but didn’t work. I have been under the assumption that it was OK with God that those marriages split up due to the fact that the spouse who cheated wasn’t willing to stop and God knew it was better for the marriage to end. My question is….am I right? Are there some marriages that God will allow to split up because it is best?
How Can You Say People Won’t Notice?
Published: July 2, 2013I have been reading your website for quite awhile now. Most things I agree with, but I don’t understand your view concerning how it will be during the Great Tribulation. If I understand correctly, you’ve said that no one is going to know they are going through the Great Tribulation. They will continue to eat, drink and get married just like any other day. Is this what you intended to say? My understanding of the Great Tribulation is that it is going to be a time of distress in the world worse than at any other time. Do you really believe people won’t take notice?
Light On Day 1, Sun On Day 4. How Can This Be?
Published: July 2, 2013In Genesis 1:3 it says, “And God said let there be light and there was light. ” It was day 1. In Genesis 1:16 it says, “And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.” It was day 4. So if God didn’t create the Sun and Moon until day 4, what was the light He created on day 1? Also, evenings and morning are determined by the rising and setting of the sun are they not? But if the sun was not created until the fourth day then what determined the days before that?
Staying Positive In A Negative World
Published: July 2, 2013With all of the scandals coming from Washington, coupled with the turmoil in Syria and the rest of the Middle East, it seems like “life as we know it” is about to make a dramatic shift. As a Christian, husband and father, this kind of stuff scares me to death. I know that the “textbook” answers are “God will provide,” “trust God,” etc…, but I also see stories every day about tons of Christians martyred for their faith. I know that I’m not supposed to fear “those that can only destroy the body,” but I still do. That said, how would you advise me to stay calm and trust God with all of this going on? Don’t get me wrong. I WANT to, but I’m still human.
Is The Anti-Christ One Of The Nephilim?
Published: July 2, 2013In view of the likelihood of Nephilim infecting our world again, I think perhaps the Antichrist and the False Prophet could be Nephilim. My reason is simple. In Rev. 19:20 neither of them die, but both are thrown directly into the Lake of Fire without an appearance at a Judgment. If they were human, they would be at the Great White Throne Judgment. Even the demons in Jude 6 are awaiting judgment. Possibly Nephilim, being half human and half demon won’t judged. How do you see this?
Are Catholics Saved?
Published: July 2, 2013My question is this: Are Catholics saved, even if they continue in “worship” of Mary and other saints?
Don’t Take Our Children
Published: July 2, 2013I’ve been freaked out by reports from Europe of the government taking children away from Christian parents for one ridiculous reason or another. I have done what I can to help these people –written letters to the governments involved, spread the word to friends, signed petitions– but I have begun to be afraid that such a thing could happen in the US. This kind of thing is really a parent’s worst nightmare. Is there a Scripture I can use to claim protection over my children in a situation like this?
Is This Considered Incest?
Published: July 2, 2013My granddaughter has a boyfriend and her mother (my daughter) is dating the boyfriend’s father. Is this considered incest? Or is it incest only if they are related by blood?
Can We Say No?
Published: July 2, 2013My husband and I inherited his parents’ home which we have prepared as a vacation get-away, for family and friends to use at no cost. Recently, we had a request for a husband and wife, and their brother-in-law and his fiancee, to use the place. The unmarried couple lives together – all are in their 20s. We declined, saying we preferred that the unmarried not stay there in the same room. We feel this is a stewardship issue and that before the Lord we need to take this little stand despite the current state of our culture. We have never let unmarried people sleep together in our home, either, providing separate accommodations for them. Do you have any thoughts in this matter?