Millennial Life For Israel
Published: April 9, 2013Why is life after death so much more vague in the Old Testament, than it is in the New? I never really understood this, seeing that everyone ever born, has an eternal destiny.
Good Tree Bad Fruit?
Published: April 8, 2013I run into verses in the Bible that seem to be uninterpretable. For instance, when Jesus says in Matthew “I never knew you,” after doing many miracles and prophecies. Is this demonic power or is the Name of Jesus so powerful that it works for even pagans? Can you clarify this for me?
Another Suicide Question
Published: April 8, 2013I just finished reading your article on suicide not canceling salvation, and I think you are quite right. However, given the following scripture I am interested in your explanation of how this fits in. “Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you? God will destroy anyone who destroys this temple. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple. (1 Cor. 3:16-17 NLT)
I Don’t Like My Pastor Hugging Me
Published: April 7, 2013My pastor almost insists on getting a hug from me every time I see him. It annoys me, and I don’t know why. He has never ever made any untoward advances toward me or anyone that I know of, but it just makes me uncomfortable. I haven’t noticed him hugging very many other women. I’ve told my husband, who is a deacon, that I don’t like it and asked if he would speak to the pastor, but he never has. I really don’t know how to handle it.
More On Babylon In The End Times
Published: April 6, 2013I’m curious as to your thoughts regarding how literal Babylon will be able to fit the descriptions of Revelation 17-18 if the Rapture were to happen today. It seems to me that it would take decades or centuries for the current Babylon to become a “great city”. NYC, Rome, and all of the other “great cities” would all have to fall, and then Babylon would have to be re-built. This does not seem possible. I’ve heard that there is money going into Babylon, but there is no evidence (to my knowledge) that it is anywhere near the amount of money required to re-build it into anything significant. Please share your thoughts on what will transpire regarding Babylon if the Rapture were to happen today.
The Lord’s Death and The Resurrection of the Saints
Published: April 6, 2013Based on your info, which I believe to be correct, Jesus moved the Old Testament Saints from Abraham`s Bosom to Heaven sometime during the 3 days prior to His resurrection. But He didn’t sprinkle the Heavenly Mercy Seat until after His resurrection (John 20:17). Question is was the “Redemptive Process” complete enough to receive the Old Testament Saints in Heaven before the sprinkling of the Mercy Seat?
Palestine? Or Judea And Samaria?
Published: April 5, 2013Lately on some of the radio broadcasts of sermons by popular Pastors I have noticed them referring to the land of Judea and Samaria as Palestine. One saying that Jesus was buried in a Palestinian tomb and another saying that God had made a Palestinian covenant with Joshua. I have searched out the word Palestine in several of the popular translations and it appears only once in the KJV Bible and none of the others. Am I missing something?
Gentiles In Genesis 10?
Published: April 5, 2013In Genesis 10, why is the reference made to Gentiles when the Jewish faith had not yet been established?
More Pre-Trib Evidence
Published: April 4, 2013I believe that once we are saved through grace we become a new creation and cannot lose our salvation. I do not believe that there are any exceptions to this. I also believe what the Bible says with regards to taking the mark of the beast and how it will result in eternal torment, and there are also no exceptions in this regard.
So if we look at the two absolutes of eternal salvation through grace and eternal damnation by taking the mark of the beast, there surely needs to be a physical break between these two requirements to ensure that they can both be met without contradiction. And by my understanding, that break must be the Rapture. Does this make sense, and can this be used as proof that the Rapture needs to occur before the Tribulation?
Judged By Our Works?
Published: April 4, 2013When a believer dies, I know they go to be with the Lord. My question is, if they are already in the presence of God, are they still going to be judged according to their works? Doesn’t scripture say that we will each give an account of our works?