Ask a Bible Teacher

The Last Eight Days. Follow Up

Published: March 25, 2013

Our study group has been going through your “The Last 8 Days” articles and have a question regarding the following statement: “The disciples knew the 483 year mark had been reached a few days earlier and that the Messiah was among them.” The person with the question said that is not said anywhere in the gospels. Would you please let me know how the disciples knew that, so I can give them an answer?

Must The Anti-Christ Be Jewish?

Published: March 23, 2013

It was always my understanding that Israel will accept the anti-Christ as their leader and as the messiah. If that truly is the fact, then would they not follow his genealogy back to David?? Wouldn’t he have to be a Jew?

The Quartet And Zechariah 1

Published: March 22, 2013

Several commentators say that the four horns in Zechariah chapter 1 represent the four political entities of the Quartet, made up of the United Nations, European Union, USA and Russia. It was formed in 2002 with the aim of preparing Palestinians for statehood. Could this be possible and could there be a connection between the Quartets’ actions on dividing God’s land and His people Israel and natural and economic disasters that have befallen the member nations since 2002?

Will Our Children Go With Us?

Published: March 21, 2013

I would like to know your take on what happens to the young children or babies of believing parents, the parents I would presume will go in the Rapture with all of us who believe Jesus is the Son of God and Savior, will the young children go into New Jerusalem with the rest of us? And will they retain their young age?

The Nature Of Procreation

Published: March 21, 2013

In Does God Have A Plan for All Of Us? you said that God delegated the procreation process to Adam and Eve so He isn’t directly involved (if I understood you correctly). Does that mean that life is a lottery and every person ever existed is conceived by chance? I always believed that every person was uniquely planned by God. I know testimonies where people found solace in the fact that they aren’t unplanned mistakes (as their parents made them feel in many cases) because God planned and wanted them (not just foreknew them!) before creation.

Whose Decision Is It? Follow Up

Published: March 21, 2013

Re: ” Whose Decision Is It?”. Since all time is known to God, then He knows who will not be saved. God does not have to let ‘these persons’ lives play out , since He already knows their outcome and their rejection of Him. It seems almost cruel to let people be born and live for 70-90 years – only to be doomed for eternity. Your answer that God allows them to “not choose” on their own is not an answer in my opinion. Could you explain your reasoning to me better please? It almost seems like you are saying that God will let them “hang themselves” by their own choice , so He can say – See it was their choice , not mine.

A New Twist In The Pre-Trib Rapture?

Published: March 19, 2013

I’ve been encountering a new (to me) “twist” in the pretrib Rapture camp. As a pre-tribber myself, I was surprised and dismayed by this idea. It is the notion that–in order to take part in the pre-trib Rapture, a believer in Christ must believe in the Rapture itself. Proponents claim isn’t enough to simply believe in the shed blood of Christ for the forgiveness of sins, we must be pre-trib, and sufficiently “watchful” in order to be raptured or else we’ll be left behind. Have you encountered this?

More On The Mark Of The Beast

Published: March 18, 2013

What about this Obama Health Care Program – I mean, is he paving way for Anti Christ like John the Baptist paved way for Christ? Is the said “chip” really the Mark of the Beast?

Sinners In The Millennium. Follow Up

Published: March 17, 2013

While reading the posting on Sinners in the Millennium, a question came to me about all those who would increasingly sin during that period. I don’t understand how that can be while Jesus is here ruling with a rod of iron. Can you please elucidate?

Is He Peter The Roman?

Published: March 16, 2013

Already we’re being told that Pope Francis is Peter the Roman (Petrus Romanus). Is there a consensus about this among prophecy scholars? Or is it too soon to know for sure?