Salvation for Children and Mentally Handicapped Adults
Published: April 18, 2024Through some of your recent writings, I have come to more thoroughly and TRULY understand the difference between the value of faith in Jesus and works done in His name. What does the Bible have to say about those living children or disabled adults who either because of their immaturity or disability, can not comprehend the acceptance of Jesus Christ as their Savior?
Should I Marry Before The Rapture?
Published: April 18, 2024I am currently in a long distance relationship with a girl. The Bible says a woman and a man who are married become one in God’s eyes. If the Rapture happens before I marry this girl, how will we be before the Lord? I wish I could marry this girl right now and I can only hope and pray the lord will allow that to happen before the Rapture which I believe like you is coming very soon. Will we be joined in the Lord’s eyes if not married when the rapture comes?
Preparing For Hard Times Ahead
Published: April 18, 2024Like everyone else, I’ve been intently watching the headlines, wondering what’s next for our country, our world. I’m a pre-trib believer, but I’m also realizing that my family is not prepared for the “tough times” we’ll probably experience before the Lord comes for us. I’m wondering if you could give some advice, insight, references regarding what we can do today to make sure we are as prepared as we can be regarding finances, food, fuel, etc. Like many others, money is a little tight for us right now; but I feel like I could be doing more to prepare us for what lies ahead.
Where Is The Holy Spirit?
Published: April 17, 2024We read about God the Father and Jesus in Revelation but where do you think the Holy Spirit is? Will He still be in us?
Simon Of Cyrene
Published: April 17, 2024Do you have any information on Simon of Cyrene? Anything that you can give me even if it is just your personal opinion would be greatly appreciated.
Questions On John 5
Published: April 17, 2024I’m doing a study in the Gospel of John, and I’m in Chapter 5.
Vs. 25 & 28 refer to “an hour” – is that referring to the giving of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost? Or is it referring to His resurrection? Vs. 28 seems to be pointing to the final resurrection.
This “hour” seems to correspond with the giving of eternal life, an event in the future. Was eternal life imparted to OT saints only after Jesus’ resurrection? I’m thinking of the verse in Matthew 27 where the tombs were opened and “many” were resurrected.
I find it interesting that in vs. 37, Jesus says that “you have neither heard His voice at any time nor seen His form”. But in vs. 25 & 28, Jesus is talking about “hearing the voice”. Is there any correlation there?
The Role Of A Jewish Christian
Published: April 16, 2024As a Jewish Christian – what will be my role in the Ends Times?
Why Did The Lord Linger On Earth, Follow Up
Published: April 15, 2024Regarding the question about what did Christ do on earth during the time between his Resurrection and Pentecost. I’m surprised that you didn’t mention that there are 50 days between the Jewish Feast of the First-fruits, and the Feast of Pentecost. Jesus was on earth for 40 days after His resurrection. 10 days after His Ascension was Pentecost. This was the fulfillment of those feasts.
The Narrow Path
Published: April 15, 2024Could you direct me to the passage that talks about the many that do not find the narrow path, but only follow the road that is wide, and the few that do?
Yet Another Three Day Three Night Question
Published: April 15, 2024RE: Solving the Three Day Three Night Mystery. So if He died on a Thursday how did we start to celebrate His death on Friday?