Ask a Bible Teacher

The Prayer Of Jabez

Published: May 14, 2024

Could you shed some light on a man named Jabez, mentioned in 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 KJV?

Keeping Old Boyfriends

Published: May 14, 2024

While discussing our marriage and her guy friends, my girlfriend said she sees nothing wrong with maintaining relationships with her ex boyfriends after we’re married. She admits to having sex with them in the past, but says they are just friends now and wants to keep them around as such. In fact she insists upon it.

I objected strongly and have now alienated her. I’m completely appalled because she is a woman I thought for sure I would marry.

She says God put these men into her life and has forgiven her for choosing the wrong path with them. Therefore, she is not willing to let go of the relationships. Is she wrong? Or am I wrong to insist she end them?

Why Mosquitoes?

Published: May 14, 2024

I’m just wondering, why did God create mosquitoes if they’re such an annoying insect? Is the mosquito one of God’s implements for spreading plagues back then, or not? I’m just curious, that’s all. Thanks!

Absent From The Body

Published: May 13, 2024

I have read many articles stating that all who have died remain in the grave until the second coming. What about the transfiguration where Moses and Elijah were present? The rich man and Lazarus has also been discounted as some kind of parable. I have always believed “absent from body present with the Lord.” Your thoughts?

The Garden Of Eden

Published: May 13, 2024

Thank you so very much for your answers and help in clarifying different passages in Scripture. God has given you such keen insight, thank you for sharing with us.

I have a question about the garden of Eden. Where did it go? Was it taken to Heaven, or protected for awhile and then destroyed? Was it really located in the area they now call the Fertile Crescent?

Distracted By Another Woman

Published: May 13, 2024

My husband and I just started a Bible class at Church and this past Sunday, a woman walked into the class and as she was sitting down could not take her eyes off my husband, and he kept looking at her as if they knew each other. I realized it was a women that he had saved a picture of in one of those dating sites I had found when we were dating at the beginning when we got together. He doesn’t realize I figured it out, but it really has been bothering me. He denies it. Should we find a different class, I don’t even know what the class was about because I was so preoccupied with this matter?

Did Paul Write To The Laodicean Church?

Published: May 10, 2024

In Colossians 4:16 Paul references the church at Laodicea and directs them to not only read his letter to the Colossians there but also that the Colossians read the letter from Laodicea. What letter was written from Laodicea and why do you think he was so emphatic about both letters being read by both churches?

Discovering Our Gifts

Published: May 10, 2024

I’ve read several of your responses and it seems that you are implying that it’s like a search to find your spiritual gift. Yet it seems that in the Bible people demonstrated their gift immediately by prophesying, speaking in tongues, etc. I find it odd that so many born again Christians after years have never “discovered” their gift. A “gift” is given by one and received by another. You don’t usually have to spend time searching for a gift that you have supposedly received already.

Why Didn’t Jesus Teach About The Rapture?

Published: May 10, 2024

For the record, I do believe in the Rapture. I have read your article on “7 things you should know” and in there you said that the Rapture was a “secret” teaching.

My question is how do you explain that to a person that doesn’t believe in the rapture? This “secret teaching” sounds a bit like an influence from Gnosticism…. I mean, why would Jesus NOT teach something so GREAT and WONDERFUL himself and in open for everyone to know….? It doesn’t make sense if you think about it.

The verses in Matthew that are mostly used in argument for the rapture can be turned into an argument for post-trib or the second coming of Jesus, because if you read it, you can choose which way you want to interpret it…either for the rapture or for the second coming… There is not enough proof of the pre-trib rapture in it for most people… and you can’t assume things that you want to believe are true about the Bible.. it is either right or wrong.. no grey area.

Please help me answer this question on “why didn’t Jesus Himself teach about the rapture, OPENLY.”

Desire The Greater Gifts

Published: May 9, 2024

Like you, I believe that not everyone has the same Spiritual Gifts, and that God gives them according to His perfect will for the common good. I also believe that our gifts don’t change, but that God sometimes gives us a gift we don’t have to fulfill a specific purpose. But I was reading I Corinthians 12 and found something that confused me. Verse 31 says,” But earnestly desire the greater gifts.” Also, I Cor. 14:1 says, “Pursue love, yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.”

When he said “desire the greater gifts” and “especially that you may prophesy” was he speaking to those who didn’t know what their gifts are? Or am I missing something? Thanks in advance for your help!