Who Builds The Kingdom?
Published: November 4, 2012John said to repent, the kingdom is at hand, and Jesus said the kingdom is near. A well known commentator writes that the kingdom has already started and that once we are saved, we become kingdom builders toward the day when Christ’s returns rather than waiting for the kingdom to come in the future. What are your thoughts on this?
Interpreting The Signs Of The Times
Published: November 3, 2012I Thes. 5:4 alludes to believers not being surprised by the coming Day of the Lord. I’ve always thought that it means that we will not be caught off guard because we are prepared, we have Christ. Is there more?
Birth Pangs Follow Up
Published: November 3, 2012In “when do the birth pangs begin” you say… “When that happens the people in Judea (Israel) are to immediately flee for their lives.” Is that when they go to Petra and is it there that they have the revelation that Jesus is their Messiah?
Still More On Marriage In Heaven
Published: November 3, 2012I know the bible says we will neither marry nor be given in marriage in heaven, yet as soon as we get there we are going to the marriage supper of the lamb. I look at the universe and I believe we are the first of Gods creation, the beginning. I also believe that God will once again turn His creative power back to the universe and make the rest of the planets habitable for mankind. One of the greatest joys I have had in this life is my children. It does not seem right that only the Jews and Gentiles will be allowed to repopulate the Earth, yet the church will not be able to have any more children. What do you think?
The Saints of Daniel 7
Published: November 2, 2012We are studying the book of Daniel and it was discussed that Chapter 7 verse 22 refers to the Jews as the saints because we were never promised the kingdom. My question is wouldn’t this verse be about the millennial reign of Christ, and have both Jew and gentile saints (the ones who will not accept the mark of the beast and survive the tribulation)?
The Anti-Christ, One Person Or Many?
Published: November 1, 2012Why do so many people talk about the anti-Christ as if it he was one person in history. John the apostle defined “anti-Christ” as anybody who denies that Jesus is God in the flesh. (I John 4:2-3) That makes whole groups of people and even some religions “anti-Christ.” They were in the world then and they are in the world now!
Is Jesus The True Israel?
Published: October 30, 2012I’ve been reading the various positions of the Reformed Amillennialists. Most of them are easily de-bunked but that isn’t the case for Hosea 11:1 / Matthew 2:15. It seems very one-sided. In Hosea 11:1 God spoke of Israel as his son and called him out of Egypt. Matthew 2:15 says Jesus fulfilled this when He came back from Egypt as a baby after being forced to flee there to avoid Herod’s infanticide. Amillennialists use this to support their view that end times prophecy is figurative and not to be taken literally. They say a comparison of these two verses proves that Jesus is the true Israel, implying there’s no place for the nation of Israel in the end times.
Saints Alive. Follow Up
Published: October 29, 2012I read Rev 7 after reading Saints Alive! It speaks of a great innumerable multitude that serves in the temple. This couldn’t be an earthly temple could it? No earthly temple could accommodate an innumerable multitude. Is this the New Jerusalem? I think I recall it being something like 1400 miles wide,deep and high. Is this correct?
Demon Possession
Published: October 29, 2012In reading your answer to Understanding Luke 11:24-26 you point out that the demons begged Jesus to allow them to enter the pigs after they were driven out of the man. Does this mean that demons need God’s permission to enter or re-enter a human? I know, as a Born Again Believer that has accepted Jesus and invited Him to reside within me, I cannot be demon possessed. But what about others? Are demons free to inhabit people or do they need to seek God’s permission first?
Tribulation Children
Published: October 28, 2012I know that all children under the age of accountability will be taken in the rapture, including children still in the womb. After the rapture, will anymore children be born? I am sure for at least a few years people will carry on as normal. Will everyone be barren during the tribulation?