Ask a Bible Teacher

The Seven Year Agreement

Published: September 15, 2012

I am wondering if the Seven Year Peace Agreement “requires” Israel to agree to it or could it be enacted unilaterally by UN decree? In other words a figurative “gun” to Israel’s head.

More On Living In New Jerusalem, Reigning on Earth

Published: September 14, 2012

The home of the church is as quite rightly as you have said destined to be the new Jerusalem. What I cannot fathom is this passage ” “You are worthy to take the scroll, And to open its seals; For You were slain, And have redeemed us to God by Your blood Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, And have made us kings and priests to our God; And we shall reign on the earth.” Who is this group that reigns on the earth if we are bound for the New Jerusalem?

Ishtar And Yule

Published: September 13, 2012

I am looking for answers to a question posed to me on the origins of Easter – does it originate in Babylon and is known as Ishtar and also the yule log used in yuletide festivities that originates from Semiramis in the plains of Shinar (Babylon)?

Can Jews Be Saved Without Jesus? Follow Up

Published: September 11, 2012

I read your answer to “Can Jews be saved without Jesus?” and am confused about something. I know a prominent Jewish man who is such a thoughtful, knowledgeable, clear thinking, logical man I am beside myself as to why he can’t see the obvious that is right in front of his nose. The only explanation I have is it is supernatural, as described in Romans 11:25 where Paul said that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. What do you think?

The Age Of Accountability, One More Time

Published: September 11, 2012

Is there anywhere in the bible that specifically says “age of accountability”. The Baptist claim 12 years old but I cannot find biblical proof of 12 and the Presbyterians say there is no age of accountability. I’m in discussion now regarding children being saved “by default”. There are arguments that children are saved because they do not know better. Others say that they are saved because of Gods covenant with the parents. If the 12 year old daughter of the Jehovah Witness parents dies in an automobile accident whats the fate of the child?

UFOs In The Bible, Follow Up

Published: September 10, 2012

I read your answer about UFOs not being in the bible and gasped. The Bible talks about them extensively. Beginning with Genesis and on through Revelations God and Christ both refer to UFOs, which are really no more than fallen angels, nephilim and Satan’s tricks. As a police officer and journalist I’ve seen mutilations and photos of mutilations and was told in the Police Academy that UFOs and aliens are real, but that as officers we are never to admit to it, to report on it or to talk about it. Please do some research and revisit this question. It is vital to the end times.

UFOs In The Bible?

Published: September 8, 2012

I have a question about UFOs. I was watching a History channel program which said UFOs were thought to have been around since Biblical times. Do you find any evidence that the Bible is talking about such things?

Did The Catholic Church Invent Islam?

Published: September 8, 2012

Did the early Catholic church create the Muslim faith? I ask this due to my own research which has not given me any solid evidence either way. From my understanding the Catholic church of that era created Islam to control the Jews and Christians for the Catholic church, but it got out of hand and Islam exploded into what we have today. Do you have any information about this?

One Paradise Or Two?

Published: September 7, 2012

I have been reading your arguments for Paradise being a place of comfort in sheol and I usually agree with your reasoning but this time, it leaves me a bit confused. Could there be two kinds of Paradise; one in sheol according to Luke 23:43 and one in Heaven according to 2 Corinthians 12:4 ? In both these passages, the word Paradeisos is used, but they seem to describe two different destinations. Could you clarify this apparent contradiction for me please?

The End Times Empire. Follow Up

Published: September 5, 2012

I’ve read your articles about the revived Roman empire either being from the Western or Eastern leg of old Rome. If the ten toes of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue represent these kings and each leg represents the eastern and western leg, then is it possible the ten kings could be a mix of 5 Islamic leaders and 5 western leaders?