Did Jesus Ever Mention The Rapture?
Published: September 3, 2012To what extent can we assume that Jesus might have been blending events (speaking of both rapture and 2nd coming) to keep things obscure enough as to not give away too much information? Did Jesus ever refer to the rapture directly, or was Paul the one to present its “First Mention” in scripture?
Mankind’s First Generations
Published: September 3, 2012A dear friend has asked for clarification about the first generations of the human race like, who did Cain marry, did he have many sisters, etc. I assume that Adam and Eve had many children over their long lives and that their children also had many children of their own. Am I correct in my assumption that we have no idea how old the brothers were before the murder?
What’s The Surprise Factor At The Second Coming?
Published: September 3, 2012I’m struggling with the two sets of 1260 days given for the 70th week. From what I understand, the first half or the first 1260 days will begin when a contract is signed with the Antichrist (Dan 9:27). From there, the 70th week will be basically 1260 days x2. If this is true, then once the treaty is signed (Dan 9:27) then the return of Christ appears to be predictable. However, Christ said it will come as a surprise because no one will know the day or hour in advance. I know there is the 75 day period after the Great Tribulation is finished. If Christ doesn’t return on the 2520th day, then His return would be narrowed down to at most a 75 day window and the “surprise” factor is reduced greatly. Can you help me on this one?
Gentiles Saved After The Rapture
Published: September 2, 2012Can gentile people who miss the rapture still be saved during the tribulation? Thanks for any help you can give me with this question.
The Time Before The Law. Follow Up
Published: September 1, 2012Re: The time Before The Law. In view of the Romans 2:14-16 passage will those who did not know the Law but had the Law instinctively in their hearts be saved from the second death? If so, this is a new insight for me because what I’m now seeing is that those “who show the work of the Law written in their hearts” will enter eternity with all those who were of the first resurrection. This would answer the question “what about the people in deepest, darkest Africa who never heard the gospel?” Answer: Jesus will judge them at the Great White Throne and those who kept the Law even though they did not know the Law will be saved. Do you see what I see and do you agree?
Yet Another Tongues Question
Published: September 1, 2012From reading your articles and answers, you seem to indicate that the prayer language is not the same as the gift of tongues, and that it should not be spoken in a public place. Does the Bible says that it exists, and if so, is there a case for using it in private (e.g. is it meant to edify oneself as mentioned in 1 Cor 14:4)? My church teaches that this prayer language is for everyone, although it is not required evidence for being Spirit-filled. I have been prayed for many times to receive it but it has not manifested, even though I have tried to be “co-operative” with the Holy Spirit.
Dream Catcher. Follow Up
Published: August 30, 2012I have to say that I disagree with the advice you gave concerning the dream catcher. Dream catchers are not innocent souvenirs. There have been cases where parents hanged the ornament beside babies cribs, for the sake of bringing good dreams to their babies. The result was the opposite. The babies had nightmares instead.
More On Psalm 83
Published: August 27, 2012Why is everyone saying that there will be a psalm 83 battle as an actual future prophetic event? Is this psalm not a prayer for God not to remain silent about the enemies of God conspiring against Israel? They say: let us destroy them as a nation…… But it does not actually say that this is going to occur, does it?
Is The UIN The Mark Of The Beast?
Published: August 26, 2012My family and I are saved Christians who live in India. Six months ago we got our unique identification numbers/cards (UIN) that are being distributed in our country. Yesterday someone told me that this is the mark of the beast mentioned in The Book of Revelation Chapter 13. Are the Unique Identification Numbers/Cards the mark of the beast? We have not got any micro-chip or anything else implanted anywhere on our bodies.
Total Depravity
Published: August 21, 2012I have unsuccessfully researched this issue. I would have thought that point #1 of Calvinism — Total Depravity — applies only to unbelievers since once a person is saved he or she is now a new creation with a new identification and a righteous nature — in Christ. II Cor 5:17,21; I Cor 6:17; I John 4:17; Rom 4:5, etc. Now I am not so sure. Is it true that point #1 of Calvinism applies even to someone that is born again?