Rebirth Of Israel On Pentecost?
Published: April 29, 2012I was thinking about the various feasts of Israel and how amazing God’s timetable is concerning the rebirth of the nation and of Jerusalem; how the calculation of the dates coincided so perfectly with the prophecies in the Old Testament. Then I was thinking about the date of the rebirth of Israel–May 14, 1948. I wondered if there was any correspondence to any of the feasts back in 1948. I found an article that said that if you don’t add the extra leap month for that year, the rebirth of the nation actually lands on the eve of Shavuot!
The Focus Of The 144,000
Published: April 28, 2012My question is will the 144000 Jewish evangelists be preaching throughout the world or will they be confined to Jerusalem?
Is It Good To Fear Hell?
Published: April 24, 2012I firmly believe in Jesus Christ, and that he died for my sins. I know that only through my faith in Him will I experience true happiness in Eternal Life. That being said, I also fear even the thought of hell. My question is: Is it a good thing to fear hell? Could this possibly be a sign of my Faith? Or am I worrying too much about condemnation? “There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus,” (Romans 8:1)
Community And Unity
Published: April 22, 2012My question is regarding the words ‘community’ and ‘unity’. Do you happen to know the sources of these 2 words? I hear them now in prayers and in sermons, and read them in books. They seem to be the new buzz words for Christians.
Tribulation Martyrs
Published: April 21, 2012In Revelation 4 there are the 24 elders, who seem to be the raptured church. Then, in chapter 6, there are martyred souls under the altar who are given white robes and told to wait until their fellow servants are martyred on earth as well. And in chapter 7, there is a vast crowd from all nations and provinces before the Lamb, clothed in white with palm branches in hand, who are believers as well, “coming out of the Great Tribulation.” Who are these different groups?
Holocaust Remembrance Day
Published: April 20, 2012Today (April 19) is Holocaust Remembrance Day. I would like to get your opinion why God allowed the Holocaust. It really bothers me, the Jews being his chosen people.
More On The Birth Pangs
Published: April 18, 2012Are the birth pangs the judgment of God? I have so many discussions with a friend of mine who thinks earthquakes, tsunamis, weird noises heard around the world, sunspots and activity, dead birds,even the crashing economy are all part of God’s judgment against America and the world. She is now willing to cede that it is not God’s wrath because Daniel’s 70th week has not happened yet but that we are still being judged because of going our own way. What do you think?
Will We See What’s Happening On Earth?
Published: April 16, 2012Is there Scripture that indicates that after the Rapture the Church will see the happenings on earth (when the 70th week begins) ? And do you believe the church (while in heaven) may be privy to family/friends that will be saved during this horrible time.
Israel And The New Covenant. Follow Up
Published: April 13, 2012Concerning your answer to the issue of Israel and the New Covenant. Biblically speaking the New Covenant was made with the House of Israel and Judah, collectively ISRAEL. Nowhere in the scriptures is it stated that the New Covenant was made with the Church (and I realize you never stated that it was). Israel as a whole did not reject Jesus, it was just their leadership. Multitudes of Jews, including priests at the time of Jesus believed in Him (Acts 6:7). Since those early days a remnant of Jewish people have existed that honor and acknowledge Jesus as their Messiah and live under the grace of the New Covenant. The New Covenant is with Israel but extends to all who wish to partake.
What Starts The 7 Year Tribulation?
Published: April 11, 2012My question is what will start the 7 year tribulation? Is there a specific event that will signal its beginning?