Ask a Bible Teacher

Old Testament Salvation

Published: March 30, 2012

Where does it say in the Bible that Old Testament believers need only to believe in the coming redeemer to be saved. Also, how does that correlate with animal sacrifices. Does it mean as long as they believed, they really did not have to sacrifice?

What’s The Difference? Follow Up

Published: March 29, 2012

Re: What’s the difference? From the report of the spies in Numbers 13:33, I thought the people in the Land were Nephilim and that’s why the Lord told the Israelites to wipe them out.

The Destiny Of Old Testament Believers

Published: March 27, 2012

In the book 7 Things you Need to Know to Understand Bible Prophecy, which I think is excellent, you say of post rapture Jewish believers, “Along with their Old Testament counterparts they’ll dwell in Israel during the Millennium (Ezekiel 43:6-7).”

I am confused with the “Old Testament counterparts” dwelling in Israel during the Millennium because I thought that the Old Testament believers are in Heaven with Jesus right now because they are part of “the Church” and will live in the New Jerusalem together with the gentiles who accept the Lord. Can you clarify this for me?

Why Are We Against Abortion?

Published: March 26, 2012

Why are we against abortion when the aborted baby goes directly to Heaven, never having been made to choose whether or not to believe in Jesus as it’s Savior? When my mother was pregnant with me she went to an abortionist to have the pregnancy terminated, only to change her mind at the last minute. Knowing the grievous sins I committed in my life, and the sins I caused others to commit, it would have been better if she had just gone ahead and terminated her pregnancy.

Does Anyone Go To Paradise Now?

Published: March 26, 2012

Your answer to the question on paradise made me think of a question. As believers go straight to the Lord when they die, will a child under the age of understanding, say a two or three year old, go to Heaven or Paradise if they die? And what is the age of understanding anyway?

No Sex In Heaven. Follow Up

Published: March 25, 2012

Re: No Sex In Heaven. I do believe it is written that “there will be neither male nor female” in heaven. That pretty much takes the worldly desires away. Like you said, it will be better than we can imagine.

Did Enoch Die?

Published: March 24, 2012

I recently heard a Bible teacher on TV say that Enoch died and then was resurrected before ascending. I have never heard this before; I have always believed he was taken alive to heaven. What is your view?

Paradise And Heaven

Published: March 23, 2012

Jesus was hanging on the cross between two thieves and he told one of them that this day he would be in paradise with Him. But at the tomb on the third day Jesus told Mary Magdalene not to touch him because he had not yet ascended to his father. So how were they in (Jesus and the thief) in paradise if he had not yet ascended until the third day. Aren’t paradise and heaven the same?

That Was Then, This Is Now

Published: March 22, 2012

Recently there was an article in the news about a Muslim girl who was raped and then forced to marry her rapist. The girl just committed suicide. I said to myself: what a barbaric religion. Then the same article points to a similar scenario in the Bible (Deuteronomy 22:28). I was shocked to find this in the Bible. Deuteronomy does not say that the girl was against marrying her rapist but it does not say the girl was willing either. It does seem she had no say in it. Please comment on this, it is very disturbing.

Separation At Babel

Published: March 21, 2012

Speaking of the confusion of tongues at Babel you have said, “I believe God first separated the people by physical appearance based on their family lines.” Do you have biblical doctrine or logical support for this claim?