Ask a Bible Teacher

Servant Of All

Published: January 14, 2012

I’m struggling with understanding John 13:1-17 here. I agree with the interpretations that are saying the dirt on the feet of the disciples are a representation of sins, water used by Jesus to wash their feet is the representation of his blood that washes our sins. But I get confused when it comes to verse 14 when He says they must do likewise to one another. If then I’m still proceeding with my interpretation that He was symbolizing washing their sins then its confusing to says in verse 14 that He was instructing them to wash the sins of one another for its only Him who washes sins. Can you please give me your full interpretation of this passage?

St. Malachy And The 112 Popes

Published: January 14, 2012

What do you think of Saint Malachy and the prophecy of the 112 popes?

Staying Focused In Sharing The Gospel

Published: January 13, 2012

I am a believer and spread the Word every chance I get and I try to tell my mother-in-law who says she is “spiritual’. All she responds with is, “So people in India who have never heard of Jesus are going to Hell?” I just would like to get some perspective because I’ve read Scripture that says God has revealed Himself in creation and that all are without excuse. But then there is only salvation through faith in Christ alone? Help me out if you can.

Disputing Moses’ Body

Published: January 12, 2012

I read the bit regarding satan’s dispute with the ark angel for Mose’s body. I have always seen this as satan’s attempt to get the body of a prominent person to inhabit so he can become a physical entity and not just a spirit. He will succeed when he enters the anti-christ’s body who was wounded as if dead and rises to rule.

Tough Questions

Published: January 10, 2012

There are many tough questions asked by non-believers and I try to answer as best as I can. One that bothers me a lot is when people say, “I believe that when we die, that is it. And you tell me I am going to hell for that?” I loathe the thought that some really wonderful people on this earth will be going to hell. They don’t lie, cheat or steal, they raise wonderful well-behaved children, they donate to charities and volunteer to help others, but because they think there is nothing after death, they will suffer for eternity. That is very hard for me to swallow so I can imagine the anger someone feels when they are told this. How do we deal with this tough question without offending the natural, human defense mechanisms we all have built within us? Some people are just more logically minded genetically and they can’t wrap their minds around the supernatural.

A Canopy Of Water

Published: January 9, 2012

Your have said that the earth would be restored to its original condition in the Millennium. That brings a question to my mind. When the earth was created was it not under a “canopy” of water? Would that mean that a canopy will be over the earth again?

Ephraim And Judah, Gog And Magog

Published: January 9, 2012

I am having a debate with a Christian friend as to when the Ezekiel 38/39 war will take place. She says that Joseph and Judah coming together again like two broken sticks forming one stick(Ezekiel 37:19) is a symbol of salvation and can therefore only happen at the end of the Tribulation at the second coming of the Lord. She then goes on to say that if that is the case, then the Ezekiel 38/39 war must be postponed until the end of the millenium, which is confirmed (in her viewpoint) by the Revelation 20 prophecy that puts an end to Gog/Magog and indeed Satan himself.

Who Is The Remnant?

Published: January 8, 2012

I am currently reading your book (7 things you have to know to understand end times prophecy) and on page 19 you quote Acts 15:13-18. My question is about the word “remnant” in that passage. Does this word refer to the Jewish people? And if it does here in this verse, does it always to the Jewish people? Is that word ever used for the Gentiles?

The Lord’s Final Words

Published: January 8, 2012

I am ordering two copies of your your new book. I was wondering what you say the final words of Jesus were. I see varied answers.

Why Was Israel Hardened?

Published: January 7, 2012

After reading the book of Romans, a question came to mind: is the hardening of Israel’s heart due to the fact that they rejected Jesus as the Messiah? And if so, once the Rapture occurs, will Israel’s heart be softened and the will recognize Jesus as Messiah?