Ask a Bible Teacher

Was This A Typo?

Published: January 3, 2012

In one section of your commentary entitled “Seven Major Prophetic Signs Of The Second Coming” you say the following. “Already nearly one out of every four inhabitants of the world is Muslim, and like most Christians and Jews they don’t really know what they believe or why.” Are you really saying that or was there a typo error?

What Is He Thinking?

Published: January 2, 2012

Satan knows God well since he was his top Angel at one point, knows the Bible well since he quoted scripture to Jesus when he was trying to tempt Him. So why does Satan think an outcome other than what the Bible states will happen? I guess my thinking is if Satan is a higher being than humans and me being a sheep of a human reading Gods’ word now knows exactly how the future will unfold…what’s the deal with Satan? He knows God doesn’t lie and God has stated Satan’s demise step by step. Satan can’t possibly think he will be able to out maneuver God, especially after the Millennium seeing how everything has unfolded exactly as God has said.

Ezekiel 38, The Rapture, And Revelation

Published: December 31, 2011

I always thought that the Rapture was the sure signal of the start of the 70th Week. You disagree, so what is the sign of the start? If the Church is gone by Rev. 5, can we assume the Rapture occurs in Chapter 4? Something you wrote several years ago says the Rapture occurs around the time of Ezekiel 38. Where is Ezekiel 38 in Revelation?

Why The Delay?

Published: December 31, 2011

Why the mystery? Why is it important for man not to know about the day and the hour of Jesus’ return? Why the delay once the Sign is seen?

Pseudo Matthew

Published: December 30, 2011

My pastor quoted references from the Pseudo Matthew gospel a couple of weeks ago, and I had never heard of this. When I did some research, this sounded like false teaching. What can you tell me about this?

Rapture Or Occupation?

Published: December 29, 2011

Several months ago during my meditation, the thought came to me that America is going to experience its own “Babylonian Occupation” as in the time of Daniel. Last week, as I surfed the internet, I came across video of politicians quoting Isaiah 9:10 after the 9/11/01 attacks. When I read Isaiah, I realized that it was a verse of defiance from the Israelites vs. turning back to God. With the creep of Islamic law in this country, could we be looking at a similar situation vs. one that includes a rapture, at this time?

Still More On The Last Trump

Published: December 28, 2011

1 Cor 15:52 says, “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” I have read that in Jewish Traditions there are two trumps. And I wondered, will we hear JESUS blow a first trumpet and in the twinkling the dead are taken up, and possibly like a second later, He blows the last trump and the alive are taken? If there is a “last” trump, is there also a “first” trump?

Could Sin Have Entered The World?

Published: December 28, 2011

Would it have been possible for sin to enter the world if the tree of knowledge of good and evil were absent? I’m inclined to say no, but I’d be interested in your opinion.

2012, A Very Good Year?

Published: December 27, 2011

In reviewing what one website has said about December 21,2012 I found an interesting statement.

“It looks like this gravitational cosmic tsunami could cause the sun to scorch the earth. That means that the only immediate survivors would be people in the underground cities, caves, and submarines.”

If I’m correct you said in an article that it is possible the sixth seal and prophecy concerning Dec 21,2012 could be one and the same. If so, that would make the Rapture very very soon. What do you think?

Honor Your Parents

Published: December 27, 2011

I read, understand and appreciate the 5th commandment, but how far does it go? Does it permit parents to choose who you marry? And if not parents choice, do they have the right to attempt to terminate the marriage? Do parents have the rights to inhibit your education so that you never exceed their understanding, ambitions or wealth? Do parents have the right to tell you when to have children? Or even to suggest an abortion? Does a mother have the right to steal your future because she breast fed you? Do a parent’s desires take priority over your spouse? Do parents have the right to curse you if you don’t go along with whatever they decree? These are just some of the ruling cultures in many pentecostal churches here.