Why Did God Do That?
Published: September 7, 2011I am a Christian who shared the Gospel with a co-worker and was he was not satisfied with my answer. His question is why God created & allows Satan to exist & cause so much pain, death & suffering, especially if He knew that he would do this. He is a Vietnam veteran ( Marines) who has seen much action. Would you please help me to learn the biblical truth to better answer his & anyone who asks me this question?
More On The First Resurrection
Published: September 3, 2011I’m hoping for a bit of clarification. Rev 20:5 states that the Tribulation Saints are part of the first resurrection, occurring after the second coming. Yet, if the dead in Christ are resurrected at the Rapture (1 Thes. 4:16), how is this not the first resurrection as it will occur at least 7 years earlier?
Helping A Relative
Published: August 31, 2011My husband and I are retired and are financially stable, as the Lord has blessed us. My husband is not a Christ Follower. I have a sister who is 10 years younger than I, and has always been dependent on our parents for at least partial support and housing. She has been in and out of several unsuccessful marriages and has 4 children who are grown now, but are also very unstable. My parents are both deceased now, and now she is frequently approaching me for financial help. I have been helping her, but there seems to be no end to her needs. What does the Bible say about my responsibility to support her? My husband is at the end of his understanding.
Am I Splitting Hairs?
Published: August 27, 2011We have only once source of income. Am I being selfish by tithing on the net instead of gross? I know it may sound like splitting hairs and I want to please God most of all. He has ALWAYS taken care of us, but we have no money left at the end of the month.
How Long Can Israel Go On Like This?
Published: August 26, 2011Do you think that Jesus would consider the modern state of Israel today a ” synagogue of Satan”? I often wonder how long God will allow the nation of Israel to exist without recognizing Jesus as Messiah. The year 2018 ( Lord willing ) will be 70 yrs. that the Jews have been back in the land. It seems as if the Jews have been in a type of captivity within the land since 1948.
Between the political pressure from the U.S.A and Europe and terrorism from it’s neighbors one would think Israel would at least look at the possibility that their suffering may be a result of their willful blindness. Many Orthodox Jews don’t think there should be a Nation of Israel until all Jews repent and return to God, they see the modern state of Israel as illegitimate and apostate…in some respects I see their point. What do you think?
Keeping the Marriage Bed Pure
Published: August 26, 2011We have been in a discussion on “sodomy” in our Christian forum. Hebrews 13:4 warns us to keep the marriage bed pure. Does this mean a married couple can’t practice “sodomy” or any other so-called unnatural sexual acts?
Q.The Bible doesn’t contain a list of approved sexual acts for married couples. The admonition to keep the marriage bed pure relates to husbands and wives keeping themselves exclusively for each other. I’ve come to the view that what ever a married couple freely agrees to in the privacy of their own bedroom is OK as long as the highest standards of mutual love and respect are maintained. Neither party should ever feel pressured into performing an act they feel is inconsistent with that goal. But anything they both believe will help express their love for each o
Who Did Cain Marry?
Published: August 23, 2011I have studied over and over about Cain and his wife, and I have questioned where did Cain’s wife come from. What God has showed me that, there were people before Adam and eve, because, and remember Satan and his angels were thrown down from heaven, so they became flesh. Saying that Cain must have married his offspring would be saying that god allowed sin. Now I’m doing a study on Noah’s time. Please respond to my feedback, you might have a better insight. I’m always ready to learn and get close to God.
The Fullness Of The Gentiles
Published: August 23, 2011I have always thought the phrase “fullness of the Gentiles” was the full number of Christians before the rapture but a news headline jumped out at me and got me thinking. It read that the earth’s population will reach 7 billion later this year could it be the actual number of gentiles and not the amount in the Church? I know 7 is God’s number of completeness.
What If It Doesn’t Happen In 2011?
Published: August 23, 2011I believe what you’ve said about the Second Coming possibly being on the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashana) in 2018 based on what Jesus said about no one knowing “the day or hour”, the darkness of the world and a lifespan being about 70 years. What I’m wondering, since the Rapture comes 7 years before that (I understand what you’ve said about the Rapture being number specific and not time specific) if it doesn’t come before the end of 2011, would we be correct in watching for it in 2012, and then the Second Coming would be in 2019, etc., etc.?
More On Knowing What We Believe And Why
Published: August 22, 2011I read scripture daily, I study and believe the Spirit gives me knowledge as it pertains to me directly or understanding of things coming. If you ask me a question concerning coming events, I might be able to tell you the name of the book in the Bible it’s covered in, but I couldn’t give you exact scripture. Does that mean I’m still unlearned?