Ask a Bible Teacher

Can My Grandmother Still Be Saved?

Published: August 16, 2011

Would you tell me if there is any biblical basis for my belief that prayers for the softening of a person’s heart who has already died will be heard from God and accepted? My understanding and view is that God is Lord of the Past, Present and Future; that he exists beyond my comprehension, over and above any time constraints. Because I view him thus, I believe that my prayers for a softening of my late grandmother’s heart that will lead to her salvation combined with the belief that God desires all to be saved can lead to an intervention in her life by the Lord such that her belief will turn towards him. I’ve asked other Christians what they think about praying for dead loved one’s salvation and have been told by some that ‘what’s done is done and you can’t pray for someone who is already dead’ , but others have agreed with my view and think anything is possible with God. Biblically, which view is correct?

Elenin, Feast Of Trumpets, And The Rapture

Published: August 16, 2011

I read recently that there is a comet Elenin that will cause 3 days of darkness during the 28-30 of Sept and the Jews celebrate the feast of the trumpets on 29 Sept when the new Moon is revealed, which may be a possible time for the rapture to occur since no man knows the day or hour because of the darkness and the Lord has fulfilled all the spring feasts in His first coming and will probably fulfill the rapture on the feast of the trumpets.

What Do Mark And Beast Mean?

Published: August 14, 2011

Would you be kind enough to re-visit the word “MARK” as translated from the Greek with your usual excellent commentary/sources? Also, what about the word “BEAST??” Is a similar Greek word used in other sections of the New Testament?

Rapture Or 2nd Coming?

Published: August 12, 2011

I have read where you have said on multiple occasions that Mark 13:32 “But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father” is not talking about the rapture but about the 2nd coming. I have really come to respect and enjoy your teachings over the last few months, and while I do not doubt what you are saying is true, I also do not see why that verse has to be talking about the 2nd coming and not rapture. Can you set me straight on this?

Are Angels Included In The Restoration Of All Things?

Published: August 12, 2011

Do you think that the restoration of all things means ALL things? Certainly the earth but what about the heavenlies? Some of the angels rebelled, will they be restored to their former positions? Eternity, eons, everlasting, forever, are these time frames?

Is It Selfish To Desire The Rapture?

Published: August 11, 2011

One thing that bothers me about myself is I feel as though my desire for the Rapture is selfish and not just the wish to be with our Lord for all eternity. I keep thinking about how wonderfully peaceful Heaven’s going to be, and knowing all my loved ones will be safe and out of harm’s way, the reunion with a brother who was killed when he was just a little boy…I keep asking God to forgive that selfishness, and yet I can’t help but wonder if He’s a bit disappointed in me. Shouldn’t my primary focus for wanting the Rapture be the desire to spend eternity with Him?

Faith And Fear

Published: August 10, 2011

Sometimes the urgency of a personal issue overcomes us. Fear sets in and we want to flee. My question is this. If we believe we are in danger, do we stay where we are and trust God will move in the midst of it? I feel so guilty for having fear (lack of faith) and believe if I had real faith in God, the situation would change.

Is Sharing Virtual Property A Sin?

Published: August 10, 2011

I know that stealing a physical item is a sin, but if it is a tv show that some one records and shares online, or some one shares music files, online is that a sin? It is virtual files not physical. So many people download music online, very big percentage I believe, what do you think about this?

Unequally Yoked At The Rapture

Published: August 9, 2011

I was wondering about an odd thought that popped into my head this week. It’s about an unequally yoked married couple. Say the wife is saved and the husband is not. When the rapture occurs she’ll be taken away by Jesus while her husband is left behind. If he gets saved during the tribulation will they ever know about each other or see one another?

Visible Resurrection Then Rapture?

Published: August 8, 2011

I just read a theory about the part of the Rapture that I have never heard before. I was wondering if you had heard about it and what your opinion is because I value your insight very much. I read on a site, that I usually trust, that meaning of “the dead will rise first” could possibly mean an earthly resurrection of them for the world to see? Could that be possible, that people would come back from heaven for a little while, before the rapture takes place? Thank you so much for all the questions you answer.