Ask a Bible Teacher

The Tribulation Saints Are Not Sealed, Follow Up

Published: May 30, 2011

A while back, I read something you wrote about Tribulation saints NOT sealed by the Holy Spirit, but recently, I happened upon something in my reading Revelation. In Chapter 9, it talks about the plague of locusts, with tails of scorpions. And the locusts are sent to sting ONLY those who DON’T have the seal of God in their forehead. (Revelation 9:4). Is that different than being sealed by the Holy spirit? If so, how?

One World Government

Published: May 28, 2011

I’ve heard the bible mentions that the world will one day accept a one-world government. Does that mean that the conspiracy theorists are right to say that the Bilderberg Group / Illuminati will be a global government, and thus the Illuminati was prophesied in Rev 13:3?

144,000 Jews?

Published: May 26, 2011

Why is it that the 144,000 are so frequently referred to as Jews when in reality they are 12,000 from each tribe of Israel including Judah?

Will Psalm 83 Precede Ezekiel 38?

Published: May 25, 2011

I read a newsletter on the pre-trib rapture and it had something in there about Psalm 83 that got me a little confused. Most of the bible teachers I have read believe Psalm 83 is a prophetic war where Israel destroys her surrounding neighbors making the way for the peace and security before Ezekiel 38, however this newsletter disagrees. It says there is no specific indication that it will happen before Ezekiel 38. What do you think?

Islam And The End Times, Follow Up

Published: May 24, 2011

If you look at Catholicism, the people who practice it worship Mary and the Pope and participate in non-Biblical rituals. Do you suppose there will be a large number of them left after the Rapture? That would seem to be a large group of people to possibly be the one world religious system.

The May 21 Rapture Mistake

Published: May 24, 2011

I read the news about a man named Harold Camping saying that the rapture would happen on May 21, 2011. He predicted wrong last September 1994, says he calculated wrong, but now says he is correct. I know his prediction is not scriptural, because the Bible says no one knows the day or hour. I’d like your opinion about this.

Why Call Him The Beast?

Published: May 23, 2011

Why is the Anti-Christ called the Beast?

Should We Pray For These?

Published: May 23, 2011

On many sites with trusted doctrine and even at church, Christians are urged to pray for Israel, America, the Palestinians, Muslims, the American Dollar, etc. Why should we pray for a predestined event that God said in the Bible will happen? It seems that would show a lack of faith in His word. All of these things have been prophesied about and prayer isn’t going to change it. I pray for God’s will and His mercy. Am I missing something?

Who Really Controls The Palestinians?

Published: May 20, 2011

We really appreciate your insight on current events from a Biblical perspective. Based on what we read in secular reports, who do you believe is really determining the direction of the Palestinians? Is it the king of the North or is it the king of the South?

Will The Jews Heed The Warning?

Published: May 19, 2011

I’ve been taught that Jews have no belief in the New Testament or it’s prophecies. At the time of the Abomination of Desolation the Jews will have returned to their covenant relationship with God but that wouldn’t include belief in Jesus as the Messiah. How then could Jesus’ warning to flee to the mountains in Matthew 24:15-16 be heeded by the Jews of that time if they don’t accept the New Testament or its prophecies?