Doubts About The Nearness Of The Rapture
Published: May 2, 2011A few months ago, not far from my home, construction was finished on a new church building. It’s huge and very luxurious. The parking lot is equally huge with sculptured mini gardens throughout. My friends all believe in the rapture, but they all say there is no way to know when it will be. They all talk about seeing their children grow up and marry, and about retirement one day in Florida or the mountains. I’ve asked several of them about this attitude, and I am always told that we need to plan as if there was no rapture, since we don’t know if it will be tomorrow or even in our lifetime or that of our children or grandchildren. All this does is to put doubt in my mind as to the nearness of the rapture and if we’ll ever live to see it.
Building The Coming Temple
Published: April 29, 2011Nowhere in scripture does it say that the anti-Christ will build the 3rd temple. In fact scripture is clear that The Lord will build the temple (Zech 6:12). If Israel has been converted after the war of Gog Magog why would it allow the beast to have such an honor? Or better yet why would God? To say anyone other than Christ will build the temple is heresy.
The Prince Of The Millennium
Published: April 27, 2011I have a question regarding the descriptions of the Temple and the division of the Land of Israel in Ezekiel 40-48. As you explained in one of your answers on the prophecy of Ezequiel, this is something that will be fulfilled during the Age of the Kingdom. But, reviewing the account, I found out in Eze. 45:7-8 that part of the land should be set apart for the Prince, who I think is the Lord Jesus. Specifically in verse 8 he talks about “princes”. Furthermore, in Eze. 46:16-18 he says that the prince could give part of his land as inheritance to his sons. How can it be? Is it possible that the Lord will have children during the Millennium? Or, am I getting something wrong?
The Anti-Christ In Daniel 8
Published: April 26, 2011My question is in regard with Daniel 8:23 which reads “And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.” You previously explained that the “full number of gentiles” which Paul used in Rom. 11;25 is a nautical term used by ship captains to identify the completeness of a vessel crew necessary to sail off. Is the clause “the transgressors are come to the full” similar in that sense? Also, can you please explain what the “understanding dark sentences” means?
Sodom And Egypt?
Published: April 26, 2011Thank you so much for your extremely helpful website. Please help me understand Rev 11:8. Why would Jerusalem be spiritually called Sodom and Egypt?
Is Isaiah 17 Being Fulfilled?
Published: April 24, 2011Do you think it is possible we are seeing current fulfillment of the Isaiah 17 war in a different manner than usual; but with the net same prophetic effect; in Syria, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen etc. and that as a consequence we are virtually at the door with God now dealing with Israel for 7 years?
Pre-Trib Or Post-Trib?
Published: April 21, 2011In the last few months I have come across individuals in my personal life, as well as ministers on the internet and television, who not only stand for Post-Tribulation, but speak and preach as though it is Satanic, evil, and wrong to believe in Pre-Tribulation rapture. What is satanic about it? I believe God takes care of His own and that we are not objects of God’s wrath.
Amos 3:7 And The Rapture
Published: April 20, 2011In a recent answer you quoted Amos 3:7, “Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.” The question that came to mind is- does the principle in Amos 3:7 apply to warnings from the Lord, by means of his servants, that the rapture is very near or am I taking this verse out of context? Thank you for taking so much time to answer our questions.
More On Isaiah 17 And Damascus
Published: April 19, 2011Are born again Christians going to be here to witness the destruction of Damascus foretold in Isaiah 17 or will the rapture take place first?
Israel And The Church
Published: April 18, 2011I have a co worker who is a Christian but we differ on our position on the church. I believe the church has a distinct role and purpose that is different from Israel. She believes we are grafted into being a part of Israel. She believes grace has always abounded and does not believe we are in the age of grace as the church. She also doesn’t believe in any difference in the church vs Israel since we are all one under God. She also observes all the Jewish holidays and believes they point to Christ as Messiah and these are the only holidays we are to keep. Is this the correct way?