Ask a Bible Teacher

Sir Isaac Newton’s 2060 Prophecy

Published: March 20, 2011

Thank you for such a great site! Since Isaac Newton has predicted the world’s end in 2060, do you think it may be possible that the Rapture may not come till around that time? I say this because of two things. One, Brother Newton was a genius and instead of a generation being 40 to 70 years, it may actually be 120 years. Moses had three 40 year periods… Egypt, Midian period and wandering in the desert. It took Noah 120 years to build the ark and then God closed the door. The Rapture of the saints is a type of door closing also, which is based on that very last person being saved and only God knows the number. However, we don’t know the time or date for the Rapture, so can it be that a generation is a 120 years. From 1948, 120 years, minus 7 will be very close to 2060. This is only a thought and I hope I am wrong. We should always be a watchman on the wall.

Will God Use Wild Animal Attacks Again?

Published: March 17, 2011

Ezk 14:15, 21 speaks of wild animals being used (I assume) as a judgment against Israel. I have also read somewhere that in the end times the Covenant between God and wild animals will be rescinded. Is this true? If so, what does it mean? I know we can expect events such as earthquakes, violent storms, etc, but it seems as though nature is doing some strange things with more animal attacks too. What can we expect in this regard?

Generation Or Race? One More Time

Published: March 16, 2011

I have a question for you that was brought up during a study I had with my brother last night. We were reviewing Matthew 24. The “big” verse obviously, that a lot of your interpretations of the end times are structured around is the “This generation shall not pass away…” verse in 24:34. Here is the question. Upon further review in the Greek and several commentaries, there seems to be a contingent who believe that the more accurate translation should be “race” or “nation”. Was Jesus referring simply to the enduring longevity of the Jewish nation and people even until the end of the age and beyond?

Is America The Restrainer of 2 Thes. 2:7?

Published: March 16, 2011

I just read your comments on II Thes. 2. You made mention of the “restrainer” being the church, and the Rapture would be what would remove the restrainer. I have a note in the margin of my KJV bible that some scholars believe the restrainer is the Holy Spirit, but most believe it is the Roman Empire. If we consider that the USA grew out of the Roman Empire( Brittain) and in many ways has been a restraining force in the world as a superpower ( God blessing our Christian nation) couldn’t America be the restrainer due to our large (true) Christian population ?

Still More On Children In The Rapture

Published: March 15, 2011

Scriptures are clear that those dead in Christ will rise first, then those then alive will follow to meet the Lord in the heavens. 1 Thess. 4:16-18. However, the issue of children under the ‘age of accountability’ seems vague at best. It is my witness that the Lord takes these babes with him as well because His love extends to the heavens and his truth to the clouds. Ps 57:10, 108:4. While He is surely just, His judgment is covered by His mercy, thus the ‘Mercy Seat’ rather than the ‘Justice Seat’.

Rapture On Pentecost? Follow up

Published: March 14, 2011

I just cannot bring myself to believe that the Church Age will be some random number of years, days, and hours that will run until some arbitrary number is reached. You have said that the Rapture will occur when the full number of Gentiles have been brought in, and you have backed that assumption with some convincing scriptural references. I am sure that you are correct, but only because God knows the future and knows what the exact count will be on the date He has chosen for the Rapture to occur. There is so much in the Bible that is date specific that I cannot help but think the Rapture will be also.

A good example would include how the second Temple was destroyed on the exact same day of the year as the first Temple. Another example would be how Jesus rode into Jerusalem precisely 173,880 days ( 483 years) after the decree of Artaxerxes Longimonus. The Church Age began when the Holy Spirit was given in 32 AD on the first Pentecost. Wouldn’t it be logical to assume that the Holy Spirit will be taken back to heaven in the Rapture on Pentecost as well?

Falling Away Or Departure?

Published: March 13, 2011

I was listening to a well-known Bible teacher, who was saying that 2 Thes. 2:3 does not refer to a great departing from the faith (apostasia), but the Rapture. I may be missing something here, but my Strong’s concordance lists “falling away” as apostasia. Your thoughts on this please?

Signs Of The 70th Week

Published: March 13, 2011

Another prophecy site I visit believes we are in the 70th week. They say the ENP (European Neighborhood Policy) Confirmed the 1995 Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace (fulfilling Daniel 9:27). What do You think of this?

Acts Of Nature Or Judgments From God?

Published: March 8, 2011

I know that God has used nature in the past to bring his judgments upon man. Do you believe that the judgments in Revelation (seal, trumpet, and bowl) will be “natural enough” or “logical enough” that they can be explained away by man as just acts of nature? Or, do you believe they will be so supernatural that they can only be explained as acts of God?

Egypt’s 40 Year Judgment

Published: March 8, 2011

Regarding a recent post about Egypt and Ez. 29, I’ve wondered if it may be fulfilled during the period of rebellion towards the end of the thousand year reign of Christ…what are your thoughts on this?