Curses On Buildings Or Land
Published: March 20, 2024Thank you for this opportunity to ask you questions, I value your wisdom.
My question is: There is a teaching that on some buildings and land there are curses because of the activities that have been carried out on the site, and these must be lifted by ‘spiritual warfare’ type prayer (applying the blood of Jesus etc). What is the Biblical position on this for New Covenant believers? Thank you.
OSAS And Unanswered Prayer
Published: March 20, 2024As a follow up to ‘Still Saved After Denying The Lord’, I have a question for you.
A friend of mine, once a very loving and dedicated Christian, has over the past several years gone through many traumas in her life. Having thrown herself on God’s mercy and spent many hours in prayer, she has received no solution to her problems. For example, she has prayed constantly that the Lord would bring peace to the heart of her mother -also a Christian- who is suffering from dementia and is living in a confused and tortured state literally trapped inside her own body. These prayers have not been answered.
She now believes in her heart that God can not exist and that Jesus was just a good man who was crucified along with countless others.
Where Peter, understandably, denied the Lord out of fear, this lady has made a conscious decision that God is not real – not out of bitterness but by deliberation. What happens to her Salvation?
Silent Prayer
Published: March 19, 2024In about 1980 everything seemed to be falling apart around me. Sitting alone in my living room, I prayed a silent prayer to God/Jesus for salvation and guidance. Do you think God recognizes and accepts silent prayer for his saving grace, or at any other time when one prays?
Still Saved After Denying The Lord?
Published: March 19, 2024I have a question I have needed to be answered for a very long time. I can’t even get a straight answer from my own pastor. I believe in Christ’s finished work at the cross. I know that behavior cannot change our salvation.
However, if someone accepts Christ and is baptized as a young person, then loses faith and denies the existence of God, what then? I get different arguments from people on this. I have heard, “Once saved always saved” and I’ve heard that denying the Lord is unforgivable. Please help me settle this. I lose sleep over this for my dear family members.
Why Do They Nod While Praying?
Published: March 19, 2024Why do Orthodox Jews nod when they pray at the wailing wall or reading the scripture?
A Sin That Leads To Death
Published: March 18, 2024Hello! Thank you for your website and your insightful views on things.
Can you tell me please what you think of 1 John 5:16-17? What do you think the sin is, that leads to eternal death? And is he implying that we shouldn’t bother to pray for the brother or sister who is committing this “unforgivable” sin?
Generational Sin
Published: March 18, 2024I cannot begin to tell you how much Grace thru Faith has blessed me and our Prayer Warrior group. To be able to ask questions, not only have them answered, but placed on your list for all to see, so that the question and answer may be a blessing to others.
My question for today is, where in scripture does it speak of generational curses, and how do you pray about something such as this.
Thank you and I pray that God continually blesses you and your ministry.
More On The Trinity
Published: March 18, 2024If we are to understand that Jesus, God, and the Spirit are three and the same, then why would Jesus give us the illusion of going to pray to another being, unless if this is only to set an example for us?
But then why would He go to pray to another higher being? This would seem to create more confusion than clarity, especially if we are to believe that all three are the same being.
Bringing My Autistic Son To Jesus
Published: March 15, 2024My son is 11 years old and has high functioning autism. He does average in school, poorly in social settings, and excels in the area of art. While he is not mentally disabled (therefore “unaccountable”), he is not quite fully “there” either. He seems to understand enough but when I try to tell him about Jesus, it’s like I’m talking to a wall.
At Sunday School he just sits there silently without interacting with anyone, even the teacher. When I talk about Jesus, he forgets everything I said within a matter of minutes even when I explain it as if he was five. When we pray, he never has any idea how to pray so I have to lead him every time. He is very underdeveloped.
I’m so scared for him. I want to know he is saved. If the rapture happens in our lifetime, I want him to be included. He is my heart and it terrifies me that I will fail him in the one area that matters more than anything. Spiritually, what can I do other than pray? I just bought some children Bible story books so I am hoping those will help him learn but nothing has worked yet.
Turn It Over To Jesus
Published: March 15, 2024What does it mean when Christian friends of mine tell me to turn all my troubles over to Jesus, or lay it (them) at the foot of the cross. I’m going through some difficult personal issues and all I hear from my Christian friends is that I need to pray about it and lay my troubles at the foot of the cross or turn it all over to Jesus. When I ask them to explain, they can’t. They just tell me that Jesus will take care of it. Does this mean I say a prayer about my circumstance, tell Jesus that I am turning it all over to him, and then ignore the problem and move on hoping the Lord will take care of the issue?