Finding The Jubilee Year
Published: February 11, 2010How important is it to accurately know when the next jubilee year is? According to Josephus, the last Jubilee celebrated in the land was in the fall of 27
Body Or Bride?
Published: February 7, 2010I’m having trouble distinguishing from Scripture if we are the Body of Christ or the bride of Christ. I have a pastor who teaches we are the Body and Israel is the Bride of Christ according to Scripture. Can you please lead my to Scripture to distinguish between the two?
Are God’s Wrath And The Great Tribulation The Same?
Published: February 7, 2010There are some Bible verses that seem to indicate that we (The Church) will be here during the tribulation or at least the first part of it. It also indicates that we are not appointed to suffer wrath. I always figured that God’s wrath and the tribulation were the same and the rapture would take place before. Some of the prophecy web sites I visit just add to my confusion but can make a good point that wrath and the tribulation are different events. I was wondering if you could shed some light on this for me.
How Will They Recognize Him?
Published: February 7, 2010When the Jews flee to Petra in the tribulation after the AC sits in the Holy Temple, what causes them to see that Christ is their Messiah? Why not keep praying to Jehovah?
Will The Unsaved Dead Know Of Their Condition?
Published: February 6, 2010Because I have accepted Christ as my savior I know that I am going to die and be in the presence of Christ. What about people who die in sin, who were in denial and attempted to understand salvation by Grace,or who believed in something that was totally false. When they die and go to Sheol till the Great White Throne Judgment will they know immediately upon death that they were wrong and that Salvation by Faith was the true way. Will their eyes be opened or will they be in limbo until the Great White Throne?
The Ark Of The Covenant
Published: February 6, 2010I have a question regarding the temple artifacts that are being made by the temple mount institute/newly reformed sanhedrin. If all these artifacts are being made, (I read an article where the menorah was recently made) are the Jewish people planning on rebuilding the ark of the covenant? Or have they maybe secured the original? Please express your thoughts on this.
How Old Will My Baby Be?
Published: February 6, 2010I read your site everyday and enjoy it a lot. My question is, my first child was a boy and he was still born. When I go home to be with Jesus, will he still be a baby or do babies age in heaven? I’ve ask many pastors and none have ever had a answer. Thanks for your help.
More On Treasure In Heaven
Published: February 5, 2010I LOVE your site and it has helped me get reinvigorated about reading the Bible. My question is this, you constantly mention storing up our treasures in heaven and not worrying about earthly treasures. I have given my life to Jesus Christ the Lord and know there is nothing I can do to earn eternal salvation, that includes any accumulation of treasures I am attempt to store in heaven. So what is next? I am saved by Jesus’ blood yet I still love in this world, I still strive for financial gain to better my families comfort, and to enjoy life, vacations and family time! If God really intended us to fore go all worldly things and only store up heaven’s treasures then there would be no working Christians or Christians striving to better ourselves and our families because these are worldly things…what say you?
Using Capitals
Published: February 5, 2010I have a question in regard to 2 Thes. 2:7. My question is: “Why is ‘he’ not capitalized in the verse?” If it is referring to God as the one who restrains, and the Holy Spirit as the one who is taken out of the way, why do you think the words referencing ‘he’ are not in upper case?
What Do We Know About The Sphinx?
Published: February 4, 2010I watched a TV special on the sphinx recently. They were trying to calculate how many years and how many people it would have taken to build it. I was wondering if this could have possibly been what the pharaoh had the Israelites working on before Moses came to get them. I knew you would know the approximate timing of its construction. Do you think this and the pyramids were built before the flood? Your take and knowledge on this would be appreciated.