Ask a Bible Teacher

The Correct Form Of Baptism

Published: August 18, 2009

My pastor had a sermon the other week and stated a person should get baptized by the name of Jesus Christ not just by the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. He says the Bible states this and that a man changed it. I was baptized by the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit not by Jesus Christ. Should I get baptized again?

Perfect In His Generations

Published: August 18, 2009

My question concerns Gen 6: 9. The verse states that Noah was perfect in his generations and walked with God. In verse 18, God tells Noah “thou shalt come into the ark, thou and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons’ wives with thee.” What was the lineage of Noah’s wife and the sons’ wives? Were they considered perfect in their generations? Thank you and God bless you and your family. Your web site is a blessing to a lot of people.

Worshiping Idols?

Published: August 17, 2009

Recently (a well known Pastor) was giving an illustration about healing, faith and interference from Satan. He said there was a certain woman who had long prayed for healing without results, and now was asking the pastor for help. Upon visiting this woman at her home, the pastor noticed she had an extensive collection of dragon statues that she had collected during her world travels. He told her that these dragon statues were representative of “that old serpent” and not only invited Satan but gave him a “legal right” to be in her home, and that this was preventing healing from taking place.

The woman said the statues were very expensive and she collected them because she liked dragons (I’m assuming their physical appearance; the pastor didn’t specify.).

After convincing the woman to let him destroy and throw away the statues, the pastor said they prayed for healing, and immediately the woman was made whole. The pastor’s statements about the statues (and he included any other pagan idol or image that might be in a believer’s home) giving Satan a legal right to operate in that home surprised me.

Is this Biblical? How can Satan show any power through a pagan idol, image, or even a dragon statue unless a person believed in that sort of thing? And, if a believer has a dragon statue (or any similar object) in their home, can the physical statue give Satan a legal claim to operate there, even if the believer assigns nothing more to the statue than being a piece of artwork, or a decoration?

What’s My Gift?

Published: August 17, 2009

I am not sure which of the spiritual gifts that I have. I have searched the scriptures and I can not seem to find anything that fits the ability that I have. What bothers me is my mother, who is half Cherokee, tells me it is from her side of the family and that they were “healers” and “seers”. I find that very disturbing.

My gift is that I am able to discern things about people, even if I don’t know them, sometimes just walking through the local Walmart. It is like the Lord tells me what is troubling certain people, and how to pray for them. It isn’t everyone just certain people. I also seem to know when someone is not telling the truth, as well as being able to know what the real situation is. I also have dreams that do come to pass, so much so, that my family takes it very seriously when I tell them a dream I have had.

I can remember having this gift since I was a small child, I always just knew things. Is this something that fits in with the scriptures? I do know that “seers” are spoken of as evil in the bible, that is something I do not want to be a part of. Thank you for you site, I read it every day and respect your opinion as scripture based.

Fufilling Obadiah 1:15

Published: August 16, 2009

Do you see a correlation between the actions of the US Presidents regarding Israel and the problems the US experiences. Does this fit Obadiah 1:15 or are the incidents simply coincidental? I enjoy your web site and have found the information enlightening and helpful to share with scores of others. I enjoy God’s prophecies and I pray for the coming fulfillment.

Flags In Church

Published: August 16, 2009

We have found a Biblically solid church and have been attending for about a year and a half. We left our last church because books by false teachers as well as unbiblical practices were being introduced. In the new church we are attending, God’s word is preached and taught and everything is tested by scripture. The gospel is preached and Jesus is Lord. At the front of our sanctuary are two flags off to the side as a reminder to pray for our nation and Israel where we have missionaries. My question is this: Is it wrong to have flags in the church?

The reason I ask this is because people from other churches in the area claim we are a bad church because of the flags and some people have left the church because of the flags. I am confused as to why this is an issue.

Signs That Come In Three’s

Published: August 16, 2009

Is there any significance regarding things being repeated in Scripture three times?

I’m asking this in regards to the three solar eclipses that have/will happen in three consecutive years – 2008, 2009 and 2010. These eclipses seem to proceed an unique sequence of eclipses that will take place in the next 7-8 years, and the dates they fall on in the Jewish calendar.

Thank you for your time and consideration of my question.

Al Mahdi And The Anti-Christ

Published: August 15, 2009

The Shia Islamists believe the Mahdi will set up his kingdom in Iraq, while the Bible indicates the Antichrist will rule from Babylon. Is it likely the Mahdi is the Antichrist?

Reacting To Changes In The US

Published: August 15, 2009

I just found your site and have been reading alot about end times and prophecy. Your point of view is fully rooted in Biblical knowledge and I am grateful for your writings. I have a question.. What would God have us do as we watch the direction our country is taking? Would He have us speak out against government decisions and legislation? I am struggling with doing what He would have me do and knowing what that is as I watch changes in my country that I believe are prophesied but with which I disagree.

Pay Off Debts Or Save?

Published: August 15, 2009

I am wondering what God would have me do regarding finances. Assuming that I am tithing, I don’t know which He would have me do as a priority — pay off debts or put away money in savings? I am thinking that I should be paying off debt as I should not be storing up treasures here on earth. But paying my debts? That’s an obligation I have to do the right thing. Do you agree?