Ask a Bible Teacher

Explain The Trinity Please

Published: March 15, 2024

In the article, “Will God Punish Me for Praying to Jesus?“, you say that God is the same as Jesus. I have always had difficulty understanding the trinity. I heard someone say it is sort of like water…Water can have three forms, liquid, gas and ice. They are all different, but they are all water. The same is true for God. He has three forms, Himself, the Holy Spirit and Jesus. Would you say this is a good example of God’s trinity?

Why must we pray to God and ask “in the name of Jesus Christ?” Is this simply to acknowledge what Jesus (God) done for us and that we trust in it?

Help Me Stop Smoking!

Published: March 14, 2024

I love your site & am blessed by it all the time. Thank you for all you do. I know you can help me with my question and worry. I love the Lord with all my heart & my mind. I always want to please Him. And pray everything I do & say will give Him the Glory.

But I’m a smoker & can’t seem to quit. I’ve prayed that the Lord will take the addiction away & I pray for Him to give me the strength to do it. But I still smoke. I don’t want to because I know my body is a temple & the Holy Spirit dwells in me. I’m truly upset about this because I know I’m grieving Him. And I don’t want to be smoking & miss the Rapture because I know it can happen at any moment. I want to please my LORD in all things. Please help with any advice & Please pray for me. I pray to be close to my Father & my Lord Jesus & I know smoking is hindering this. Thank you for your time & will be looking for your answer.

Angry With God

Published: March 14, 2024

What do you think is the best way to approach a family member who is an unbeliever and is so angry about losing a loved one that she has cursed God. She has also been utterly indoctrinated in a liberal college Theology course that scoffs at true Christianity and is anti Israel. I pray for her daily but fear she is very close to being lost forever. I am grateful for your ministry and any thoughts.

Will God Punish Me For Praying To Jesus?

Published: March 14, 2024

I have always felt very close to Jesus as if He is always sitting right beside me.

When I think of God, he seems further away somehow. I look at Him as I do my earthly father who is stern and strict. I always address 99 % of my prayers to Jesus, even though I love God, I don’t feel that same one on one connection. I am afraid that he is going to punish me for this, but I don’t know how to change my way of feeling this way.

I have been listening to all your mp3 studies and they kind of make me understand a little why I feel this way. I take them as we are all children of God, but He will be concerned more with his covenant people than the Church. When the final judgment comes, will we be united with God and his covenant people on Earth, or will we still be in the New Jerusalem hovering above?

The Holy Spirit, Satan, And Prayer

Published: March 13, 2024

One of my church leaders said that we need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit (or laying of hands) frequently to renew and rekindle the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can also be diminished or leave us completely due to our sin or actions. He also said not all our prayers to God reach Him due to interference by satanic forces. To be frank I am doubtful about these statements. What does the Bible say?

How Did Rahab Escape?

Published: March 13, 2024

Just like many others, I feel inclined to start this e-mail by thanking you for your ministry and for your dedication to digging deeper and helping others come to a better understanding of the Lord and His Word. Also, thanks for the answers you’ve provided to the questions I’ve already asked you; they were quite helpful. The thing that has me thoroughly confused today is Rahab’s house, described in Joshua 2:15, which says “Then she let them down by a rope through the window, for her house was on the city wall; she dwelt on the wall.”

You can probably see where this question is going. How did the Israelites spare the lives of Rahab and her family if they were inside of a house on top of a wall that collapsed right before the city was defeated?


Is Today’s Israel The Same As The Biblical One?

Published: March 13, 2024

I have a question. I have searched Scripture to try and find where God told the UN to establish a State and name it Israel. Is the State established in 1948 the same Israel talked about in the Bible? A friend asked me to Pray for Israel, and I’m willing to do that, but I am confused as to who Israel really is. She does not know either, not really.

Joshua 1:4 speaks to what God told Joshua. There is so much confusion in this world, I am seeking to find out what is truth from God’s Word. Can you help by providing me with Biblical information/Scripture?

Last Names In The Bible

Published: March 12, 2024

I just read an article about Joshua. It gave his last name (ben Nun) I was intrigued by this because the other day I was just thinking about how the Bible didn’t use last names and wondering how and when they got started. Do you have any insight on this? Do you know any of the last names of characters in the Bible?

Hyphenated Names

Published: March 12, 2024

I’ve been following a debate among two friends regarding married women who hyphenate their last name. One thinks it isn’t appropriate, according to the word of God. I know when we are married through God’s will no man shall separate us. I also know that we women shall submit to our husband. But what does hyphenating our last name have to do with marriage bonding? Is it a dishonor to God? Is it a sin?

Understanding Psalm 36:1-4

Published: March 11, 2024

I’m currently reading the Psalms. In Psalm 36:1, David says “An oracle is within my heart…” would the oracle be the Holy Spirit?