Have Our Future Sins Already Been Forgiven?
Published: February 19, 2024I recently read an article that claimed the Bible offers no proof that our future sins are forgiven. It says this is just an assumption that Eternal Security advocates have made. It says if that was the case we wouldn’t need Jesus to be our advocate (lawyer), and that Romans 3:24-25 proves that only our past sins were forgiven. I’ve thought of Colossians 2:13-14 “He forgave us all our sins …” as a rebuttal. Are there others?
Her Cross To Bear?
Published: February 19, 2024My grandmother is in a hospital right now in the last stages of alzhiemers. The doctors have said all they can do is comfort her. She can no longer do anything on her own. She can’t even hold a conversation anymore. But the other day she said something that I’ll never ever forget. She said, “Help me God… Help me off my cross to bear.” I need you please, to explain to me what exactly she was saying.
The First Shall Be Last
Published: February 19, 2024Can you explain what “the first shall be last and the last shall be first” means and why is it that way? It doesn’t make sense to me.
Could They Have Changed That Much?
Published: February 13, 2024If we are all descendants of Noah’s sons, how is it there are many cultures where the disparity of knowledge is so vast? How would it be possible to “forget’ the basics of a culture one came from when it would have been everyday practicality? How would people change so much, and in such a short time?
How Can I Forgive Him?
Published: February 13, 2024Last year, I was in a relationship that I truly regret. Even to this day, I don’t know if I have fully forgiven my ex-boyfriend in my heart. I still feel anger and regret whenever I see him. When I reflect on myself, I am disgusted that I am no better and am just as much a sinner as he is. Because this relationship led me to so much sin, I feel so far away from Jesus. I still feel pain and disgrace every time I think about it. But I want to forgive him because I want to be forgiven by God. What can I do?
Impatient To Learn Everything
Published: February 13, 2024Thank you again for your ministry, you have helped us to rightly discern God’s truths. I have a relative who is a fairly new Christian, and who wants to understand Scripture NOW, right now, and when he doesn’t, he has a tendency to think that it’s because the Bible too vague in place and some of it doesn’t really apply anymore, or is not true. He professes his faith in the LORD, but hasn’t yet done any in-depth Bible study. What do you recommend?
The 1 John 5:7-8 Problem
Published: February 12, 2024My question is: Why is 1 John 5:7 which is in the KJV not included in most other translations?
My Brother Won’t Forgive Me
Published: February 12, 2024I have a significant problem concerning forgiveness. I forgave my brother for believing a lie that was told by my stepfather, who since passed away. Although this happened several years ago, my brother does not want any contact with me because he thinks I’m the one who lied. I have tried to reconcile on several occasions and he has refused all my attempts. I have had Christ in my heart for 30 plus years. I look forward to his coming soon. What happens if we can’t reconcile the situation? I want to be able to come home with the Lord. If I have been faithful and true will that still happen?
Sinners In Heaven?
Published: February 12, 2024I am disturbed by your articles regarding habitual sinners in heaven. My first thought was, “Then what is the point of Jesus sacrifice if we can’t be overcomers?” I personally through the power of the Holy Spirit’s work in me (not my own power) have overcome alcoholism, fornication, and smoking. These took many years of struggle but the work of God in my life did it. So my thought is that if Jesus can do this for me, he will do it for anyone as they persevere.
More On Israel And The Church
Published: February 9, 2024I have a question regarding the church’s role in end times and millennium. In Hebrew the word church means ekklesia or ‘the called out assembly” and the Lord refers to the assembly/congregation many times in the OT ie Gen 48:4, Ex 16:3, I Sam 17:47 and many more. So doesn’t that mean there has always been a ‘church’ under the Hebrew title of assembly so it’s not exclusively us believers now?