Update on COVID in India

Last week we had one person, Neela, test positive. We expected more, because our families in India live closely together in one-room huts, with communal cooking and bathing. The area hospitals have been full, and many are running out of oxygen, so we’ve been praying for mild cases. Thank you so much for praying with us!
Here is our post from last week when the first person, Neela, tested positive. We’ve had eight people total test positive so far, but no cases are severe! And we’ve had such blessing in being able to get all eight into the area hospital wings—three in the quarantine wing, to keep the others safe, and the other five admitted for care and observation. Please continue to pray with us for all who are ill that they will recover fully. Because they keep the men and women separate, three men are together, and two women are together in the covid wings. I have a few pictures of those in the hospital for you.
Below, on the right is Gopi, you may remember him from when their baby Sarah was born premature. Thankfully Roza, his wife tested negative!
This is Kamalamma. She is with Neela in the COVID wing.
This is Suresh below on the right, here with his family. He is in the wing with Gopi and Anand (next pic below this one). They’ve tested negative as well.
Below on the left in Anand. He is Neela’s husband.
Thank you so much for keeping them all in prayer! We are so grateful!
♥ Samantha
Here are the rest of the blog posts this week: